Saturday, 17 October 2020

Why Turkey is flexing its muscles abroad


Image courtesy of Reuters, fair use doctrine.


Joel Kontinen


Since coming to power in Turkey, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has opted to restore the Turkish empire, as it was under the Ottomans. He sees the west in decline and sees a China and Russia as potential sources of refuge,


According to the BBC, Turkey has in the past few years

"-launched three military incursions into Syria

- sent military supplies and fighters to Libya

- deployed its navy to the Eastern Mediterranean to assert its claims in the region

- expanded its military operations against Kurdish PKK rebels in northern Iraq

- sent military reinforcements to Syria's last rebel-held province of Idlib

- recently threatened a new military operation in northern Syria to confront "terrorist armed groups". "

But Kurds say the only terrorist is Mr. Endogan.

And its almost warfare with Greece and Cyprys over drilling rights in the Mediterranean that has also caused harm to Israel, who has made a treaty with Greece and others to Europe to export natural gas to Europe.  

And it has let Hamas use its soil  to attack israel,

The BBC also took up Turkey’s 2015 failed coup that led to Mr. Edgogan rise in power, leading him to punish the Kurds in Syria.  


Tol, Gonul. 2020. Viewpoint: Why Turkey is flexing its muscles abroad.  BBC New16 October.