Saturday 31 October 2020

No Little Green Men On Earth-Sized Exoplanet

Image courtesy of Jan Skowron, Astronomical Observatory, University of Warsaw.

 Joel Kontinen

Earth like objects are unique. We consider them to float around their sun. Now, the biggest free-floting or rogue planets appeares to have been huge -  ”40 times the mass of Jupiter (one Jupiter is equivalent to about 300 Earths).”

 A discover, reported recently in the Astrophysical Journal Letters, may mark the smallest rogue planet ever detected, and it could help prove a long-standing cosmic theory.. According to the study authors, this little world could be the first real evidence that free-floating, Earth-sized planets may be some of the most common objects in the galaxy.

We would not like to see little green men on the planet, as have to be created.



Specktor, Brandon. 2020. An Earth-size planet is careening untethered through the galaxy, scientists find. Live Science  29 October