Sunday, 13 September 2020

Why Do Dogs Have Cold Noses?


Image courtesy of Shutterstock.

Joel Kontinen

Why do dog’s noses feel cold and wet?

When a  dog is satisfied, it may bump its nose into a human, as a way of saying thanks.

But then the owner will wonder whether it is all right for a dog to feel like it.

It is normal, said Anna Bálint, a researcher who studies animal behaviour at Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, Hungary.

In a study published in February 2020 in the journal Scientific Reports ,tested 13 pet dogs trained to lie still in a functional MRI scanner.

"A heat signal could help the dogs," she said.

The article does not indulge in evolution, but on reporting facts as such.


Leviss, Dani. 2020. Why do dogs have cold noses? Live Science 12 September.