Saturday 5 September 2020

Some Exoplanets Are Just Weird

Kraus et al., 2020.

Joel Kontinen

Some exoplanets are just weird. The latest one seems to orbit three suns, which would make it into a   tatoiine planet, like the famed sun in Luke Skywalker's twin-sunned homeworld.

Known as GW Orionis (or GW Ori) and located about 1,300 light-years from Earth, the system is a rare example of a triple-star solar system, with two suns orbiting one another at the centre, and a third star swirling around its siblings from several hundred million miles away.”

Unlike evolutionists speculate, we would not expect to see little green men on as GW Orionis.


Specktor, Brandon. 2020. Rarest planet in the universe may be lurking in Orion's nose. Live Science  3 September.