Saturday 25 July 2020

Hummingbird Sized Dinosaur May Actually Be A Lizard, Evolution Claims

Image courtesy of Lida Xing, fair use doctrine.

Joel Kontinen

A fossil attributed to a teensy, feathered dinosaur may not be a dinosaur at all, but rather a ... lizard, according to new research. With the new criticism, the March study — titled "Hummingbird-sized dinosaur from the Cretaceous period of Myanmar" was retracted on July 22 from the journal Nature where it had been published, according to a statement in the journal.

The creature’s 99 million-year-old skull was entombed in amber when scientists discovered it in a mine in Myanmar (formerly Burma), Entombed in amber for 99 million years - This is the standard view of birds or animals trapped in amber found in Myanmar.

Despite what the scientist say, birds cannot change into dinosaurs. That is a Darwinian story that can't be verified. A tiny bird has been found in Myanmar, and early birds molted just like modern birds do.


Geggel, Laura. 2020. Hummingbird-size dinosaur may actually be a lizard. Live Science 23 July.