Monday 30 March 2020

All men and women created…by the…co…you know…you know the thing,” Biden said

Image courtesy of Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.

Joel Kontinen

Joe Biden is known to have forgotten some things. He had forgotten the name of the previous president, for instance.

Then he also forgot the name of the God from the Declaration of independence.” Biden may not know the Declaration because he doesn’t truly believe that all people are created equal, at least not unborn children. Biden is totally out of step on abortion with most Americans with his unflinching support for abortions up to birth.”

This time, it may not be a mistake. The Democrats have avoided all mention of God in the public square.

This is not the kind of mistake Donald Trump Donald Trump would make.


Joe Biden Forgets “the Creator” in the Declaration of Independence. Calls God “the Thing”. Life News Com 2 March.