Friday 25 October 2019

The Aye -Aye Have Extra Thumbs

Image courtesy of Nomis-simon, CC BY 2.0.

Joel Kontinen

The aye-aye. a monkey living in Madagascar, have a strange extra thumb.

Says Adam Hartstone-Rose, an associate professor of biological sciences at North Carolina State University (NCSU); "The species has so many features that are unique among primates — ever-growing incisors, their specialized fingers, and huge ears — and their pseudothumb is yet more more evidence of this."

The extra thumb helps them to tap into tree branches to find what’s inside of them, helping them to taste the find the taste grub inside of them.

It is not a thumb that has accidentally grown so long. it speaks of intelligent design.


Weisberger, Mindy. 2019. 'Cursed' Primate Weirdos Have Extra Thumbs. Scientists Didn't Know About Them Until Now. Live Science (21 Oxtober).