Sunday 27 October 2019

Alarmist Want to Cut Nitrogen Pollution

Testing of nitrogen flux measurement methods over rice in Odisha, India. Image courtesy of Mark Sutton, Fair use doctrine.

Joel Kontinen

Nitrogen, which consist of 78 of the air that we breath, can be a toxic pollution.

Nitrous through its many forms, such as "ammonia, nitrogen dioxide oxide (that is 300 time more powerful than having carbon dioxide), and nitrate. it is polluting our air, soil and water, posing a threat to human health, biodiversity, economies and livelihoods."

They hope tackle the widespread harm it is causing to humans, wildlife and the planet.

Now, 150 top international scientists are calling for a curb to nitrogen pollution, “to tackle the widespread harm it is causing to humans, wildlife and the planet.

They hope to tackle the nitrogen problem which is more than a carbon problem.

We don’t have Greta Thunberg, who warns us of nitrogen’s ill effects. Yet,” Nitrogen losses in UK are estimated at 1.4 million tonnes a year, at a market cost of US $1.4 billion, globally this amounts to 200 million tonnes a year at cost of US $200 billion,”. "80 per cent of nitrogen used by humans—including through crop, meat and dairy production, as well as via transport, energy, industrial and wastewater processes—is wasted and enters the environment as pollution."

The experts want to cut the use of nitrogen pollutants by 2030. God has given us nitrogen. However, we have misused it, as we have also misused some other substances with which we are blessed.


Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. 2019. We must wake up to devastating impact of nitrogen, say scientists. 2019. (23 October).