Sunday, 28 July 2019

Secularist Think That Tiny Pebbles May Be the Reason Most Planets Spin in The Same Direction

Image courtesy of NASA.

Joel Kontinen

A new article in New Scientist says that it has been a mystery why planets spin the same way as their stars do, This, it says, is contrary to the standard evolutionary model.

However, if posits: The standard model of planetary growth states that planets coalesce from giant rocks that are kilometres across.

Here’s their answer:

Models of that process result in planets that barely spin at all because similar amounts of boulders hit the fledgling planet from all sides.

Now, how could you get similar amounts of boulders hitting all planets from all sides? that is still a problem for the standard model.

Planet-formation theories have been challenged or killed by recent finds.


Crane, Leah. 2019. Tiny pebbles may be the reason most planets spin in the same direction. New Scientist.