Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Turkey vulture: The bird that vomits acid up to 10 feet and poops antiseptic onto its legs


Image courtesy of  Charles J. Sharp,  CC BY-NC-SA

Joel Kontinen

What would you say about a vulture that vomits antiseptic into its legs?

It is a Turkey vulture (Cathartes aura) and it lives in Canada and South America. The vulture eats carcases of dead animals.

They are large birds; they give off a nifty escape mechanism. When they're threatened or scared, turkey vultures regurgitate a foul, acidic substance around them.

But the most interesting thing is that it vomits gastric juices that can burn their attackers’ skin and eyes. This is a trait that the animal can thank intelligent design for it.


Lydia Smith 2025 Turkey vulture: The bird that vomits acid up to 10 feet and poops antiseptic onto its legs | Live Science 11 January