Sunday 20 October 2024

The exoplanet that seems like a rotten-egg world


Image courtesy of: Roberto Molar Candanosa/Johns Hopkins University

This exoplanet smells like rotten eggs. It is too hot for life.  

The exoplanet HD 189733 b, located about 64 light-years from Earth, has a chemical composition so distinct that astronomers can practically smell it from across the galaxy. A recent James Webb Space Telescope study of the planet found that its atmosphere contains significant amount  of hydrogen sulphide — a toxic and flammable gas given off by decaying organic matter and volcanoes on Earth — which smells like rotten eggs. The smelly egg planet is far too hot for life to exist.

The mere fact that scientists can detect such distinct molecules in its atmosphere is a good sign. For evolutionists, that JWST may soon be able to detect signatures of life elsewhere in the universe.

This is just speculation formed by Darwinism.


Brandon Specktor 2024. 32 alien planets that really exist | Live Science 2. October.