Thursday 25 January 2024

Scientists discover near-Earth asteroid hours before it exploded over Berlin


Image courtecy of Shutterstock.

Joel Kontinen

For only the eighth time in history, scientists detected an asteroid before it made its fiery appearance over Earth. The tiny fireball exploded near Berlin early on Jan. 21.

It was the he morning of January 21, “a tiny asteroid came hurtling through the sky and smashed into Earth's atmosphere near Berlin.”

Such sightings typically occur a few times a year, but this one is special. It was detected only 3 hours before  its impact.

“The asteroid, dubbed 2024 BXI, was first discovered by asteroid hunter Krisztián Sárneczky, an astronomer at the Piszkéstető Mountain Station, part of Konkoly Observatory in Hungary.



Kiley Price 2024. Scientists discover near-Earth asteroid hours before it exploded over Berlin | Live Science 23 January.