Thursday 9 November 2023

The devils comet is approaching Earth

Image courtesy of Comet Chasers/Richard Miles

Joel Kontinen 

The massive volcanic comet 12P/Pons-Brooks, “which grows giant horns when it erupts, has exploded for a third time in five months as it continues to race toward the sun.”

It is called the "devil" comet's 12P/Pons-Brooks (12P), is a cryovolcanic, or cold volcano, comet. Like all comets, it is has a hard shell a hard, icy shell filled with ice, gas and dust — that is surrounded by a fuzzy cloud, or coma made of materials that leak out of the comet's insides. 

Many comets have elliptical paths that bring them very close to the sun. A comet loses much of its material each time it approaches the sun.  It has been estimated that a comet will loose all its mass in under 100 000 years. This is a serious problem for the secular view of a 4.6 billion year old solar system. If the solar system were that old, we should not see any comets.


Harry Baker, 2023, Volcanic 'devil comet' racing toward Earth resprouts its horns after erupting again Live Science 8 November.