Friday 4 August 2023

Space has its odd features

 Image courtesy of : ICRAR.

Joel Kontinen 

A slowly rotating, ultrabright object 15,000 light-years from Earth defies every logical explanation that astronomers assumed.

This object, located about 15,000 light-years from Earth, appears to be a magnetar — the collapsed heart of a once-giant star, now cramming a sun's worth of mass into a ball no wider than a city. And it has a magnetic field more than a quadrillion times stronger than Earth's. 

Well, God who made the heavens knows what is happening there.  

If we leave evolution for the moment, the answer seems to be that God created us  in the beginning


,  Specktor, Brandon, 2023,  Ultrabright stellar object is shining beyond the 'death line,' and no one can explain it . Live Science 20 July. 
