Friday 30 June 2023

Researchers see intelstellar fragments in the ocean, just north of Papua New Guinea

Image courtesy of Avi Loeb.

Joel Kontinen 

An expedition to hunt for fragments of a possible interstellar meteor has found 40 tiny spherules on the sea floor However, some researchers claim that whether the assumption that they are interstellar is controversial. ,

An expedition to hunt for fragments of a supposed interstellar meteor has found 40 tiny sperules of an interstellar meteor that supposetly fell north of Papua New Guinea in 2014.  

One of the scientist who told this was Avi Loeb, who has made the oamuamua a sensation.  

Is   ‘Oumuamua space rock or alien technologySome astronomers think that is a space rock whilst others are not sure of its origin. 

 Many evolutionists think that it is alien technology, as they suppose that all live was formed by Darwinian ways. ,The  ones who believe in a Genesis account of creation think that all live was formed by God. 


Crane,  Leah, 2023. interstellar meteor fragments may have been found in the Pacific Ocean, New Scientist 27 June