Monday, 8 February 2021

Soft tissue found in ammonite that is taught to be 150 million years old


Image courtesy of Nobu Tamura CC BY 3.0 .

Joel Kontinen

Soft tissue does not  evoke calcified bones orshells.However,  Steven Taylor (University of Liverpool) said, all animals had soft tissue, including the ones 500 million years old.

Now, scientist have found soft tissue OF an ancient cephalopod analyzed in the Swiss Journal of Paleontology. “The term "cephalopod" refers to a type of mollusc that has a prominent head, a collection of arms and tentacles and a symmetrical body structure. They also tend to be very intelligent, regardless of whether we're talking about famous cephalopods like octopuses and squids or their more obscure relatives, the cuttlefish and the nautilus.

The animal is thought to be 150 million years old.

Here’s how an article in Salon describes it:

“THE fossil of an ammonite that had been removed from its shell roughly 150 million years ago was discovered in southern Germany. What is remarkable about this ammonite, however, is that the ammonite's fleshy remains were never picked apart by predators or bacteria, allowing it to be preserved for future scientists' delighted edification. Because this particular ammonite died at the bottom of an oxygen-deprived lagoon, its soft tissue was preserved. 

So, whatever the aga of a fossil, it almost always  has soft tissue,


Rozsa, Matthew. 2021, A rare fossil indeed:Scientists find ancient cephalopod with soft tissue still preserved Salon 3 February