Wednesday 11 December 2019

Plants Scream In The Face Of Stress

Image courtesy of Dennis Brown, CC BY-SA 3.0.

Joel Kontinen

We knew trees and other plants display signs of intelligence, but we obviously never expected them to sleep .

Clever trees defy Darwinian expectations by doing so .

While plants aren’t animals, they share all kinds of tricks. and eucalyptus sweats to keep cool .

They depend on animals to eat their fruit.

Now, a study , which was posted December 2 on the bioRxiv database says that “plants can scream. near stressed tomato and tobacco plants, the instruments picked up the crops' ultrasonic squeals from about 4 inches (10 cm) away… The noises fell within a range of 20 to 100 kilohertz, a volume that could feasibly ‘be detected by some organisms from up to several meters away’, the authors noted.

Well, that is what some plants can obviously do.


Lanese, Nicoletta, 2019. Plants 'Scream' in the Face of Stress. Live Science (8.12).