Some atheists /agnostics believe in this book.
Joel Kontinen
Old surveys can reveal interesting details. In an American poll conducted in November 2007, 6 per cent of atheists /agnostics said they believed that the New Testament is the Word of God. 5 per cent regarded the Old Testament as God’s Word. 5 per cent believed the same of the Torah, 4 per cent of the Koran and 3 per cent of the Book of Mormon.
2 455 adult Americans representing various worldviews took part in the HarrisInteractive poll conducted between November 7 and 13 in 2007. They were for instance asked:
To what extent do you believe the following represents the word of God?"
The Old Testament (texts used in the Christian religion)
The New Testament (texts used in the Christian religion)
The Torah (the texts used in the Jewish religion)
The Koran (texts used by Muslims)
The Book of Mormon (texts used by Mormons)
Atheists seem to have some rather interesting views.
The Religious and Other Beliefs of Americans. HarrisInteractive. 29 November 2007.