Friday, 4 February 2011
The Wacky Aphorism of the Week: “Eve Was An Advanced Computer”
A new pseudoscientific religion explains that all current religions came about when early humans encountered space aliens. Image courtesy of Wikipedia.
Joel Kontinen
“Eve was not a woman but an advanced computer… ‘Eveas Triangulatus’. Of course the ancient writers didn’t understand what a computer was, so the resulting literature derived from that era, are allegorical in nature; however, they do describe an interesting and most important time in our history.”
This is the message of a website called Divine Advanced Human Beings promoting a new yet old doctrine that combines the Bible and pseudoscientific new age beliefs that sound like the teachings of a latter-day Erich von Däniken.
It teaches that all current religions came about when early humans encountered space aliens. They did not understand what they saw so they interpreted them as gods.
Neo- Dänikenism says it knows how everything came into being. However, it cannot explain who made the space aliens. It only moves the explanations further back in time and space.
Who, then, created these space aliens? They cannot have lived from eternity past. Moreover, we don’t even know whether they exist.
In reality, only God could have created all life in the universe. Whereas people are clever at inventing tales, the Bible tells us where we came from, why we are here and where we are going.
The Almighty God deserves our praise.
new age,
space aliens,