The current issue of
New Scientist surveys the hunt for missing links.
Joel Kontinen
At least two or three times each year the popular media will make big headlines of the discovery of an ”intermediate fossil” that was previously missing. Much more seldom are we told that old links are still missing because they did not fit in with the Darwinian model of the evolution of life.
Writing in
New Scientist, Jeff Hecht surveys the search for missing links. Evolution-believing scientists are trying to find fossils in the rock layers that (according to their model) would fill evolutionary gaps.
In this way, they found
Tiktaalik rosea that was touted as the intermediary between sea animals and land animals. However, just four years after its discovery, it lost its place and its prestige.
The same thing happened to
Ida (
Darwinius masillae) that was supposed to be the grandmother of humans. It turned out that Ida was the grandmother of lemurs.
Evolutionists have tried to transform
Archaeopteryx, a magpie-sized extinct bird, into a feathered dinosaur as it was found lower in the rock layer (and is thus presumably older) than the earliest ”feathered dinosaurs”, but the origin of birds is still an unsolvable mystery to evolutionists. The problem will not go away by pretending that dinosaurs are birds.
The search for intermediary fossils has not been able to bolster Darwinism elsewhere than among the true evolutionary believers. The Cambrian Explosion and the ever-increasing numbers of living fossils also weaken the credibility of evolution.
Hecht, Jeff. 2013. Evolution's detectives: Closing in on missing links.
New Scientist 2904, 34-38.