Sunday, 27 February 2022

Tank Man in The Ukraine

Image courtesy of Mail Online.

Joel  Kontinen. 

 When Putin decided to attack Ukraine, a man in a southerent town climb to the front of the tank, thus halting its progress..

The man has since been dubbed 'Tank Man' on social media, as it brings to mind the  tank man on the Tiananmen Square in  on June 5, 1989, the day after the Chinese violent crackdown on the Tiannen protests. 

Image courtesy of the associated press, photo by Jeff Widener. 

Friday, 25 February 2022

Drone to get an owl's tail


Image courtesy of Shantanu Kuveskar,CC BY-SA 4.0..

Joel Kontinen

Researches have studied the barn owl. They Suppose that giving a drone its  tail would make a drone more aerodynamic

Biomimicry or biomimetics has recently become a success, that is, copying amazing design seen in nature, has become a flourishing research field.

Biomimicry is a science that brings out that what God has designed. And what he did, He did very well.

Design in nature is so obvious that it’s practically impossible to deny it.


Lesté-Lasserre, Christa. 2022. Giving drones barn owl-like tails may make them more efficient flyers New Scientist 9 February. 

Wednesday, 23 February 2022

Largest pterosaur found on Skye


Image courtesy of Gegory Funston. 

Joel Kontinen


“The world's largest Jurassic pterosaur - a 170-million-year-old winged reptile - has been found protruding from the rocks of the Isle of Skye.

PhD student Amelia Penny spotted its sharp-toothed jaw in a layer of ancient limestone on Skye's coast.

 That initial discovery, in 2017, has now been followed up with detailed examination of the fossil skeleton.

 Those studies, published in the journal Current Biology, show the flying lizard had a 2.5m (8ft) wingspan. “

Perosaurs were almost too heavy to fly, But God made them succeed in the almost impossible task. 

Pterosaurs were almost too heavy for evolution to cope with them. And the giraffe-sized flying creature defied Darwinian explanations. Moreover, a rapid burial of pterosaurs suggests Noah’s flood


Gill, Victoria . 2022. Fossil of largest Jurassic pterosaur found on Skye BBC News, 23 February

Monday, 21 February 2022

Some humpback whales travel 6,000 kilometres in search of a mate

 Image courtesy of NMFS Permit 19225, Flip Nicklin/Minden Pictures

Joel Kontinen

When a humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) has found its mate, it will travel 6,000 kilometres or 3,700 miles to keep it.

This speaks of the love animals have for each other.  

With some of them travelling up to 6, 000 kilometres in search of a mate.

Humpback whales are found in all major oceans, and they travel to a get a spouse,

This is how Kenneth Lacovara, a professor of paleontology and geology at Rowan University, explains the difference between whales and sharks.   

He says that this is the way their respective ancestors (Pakicetus for whales and Tiktaalik for fish) moved, and they obviously haven’t had the time to change their habits despite making transitions from land to water (whales) and water to land (fish ancestor) during the assumed tens of millions of years, and then the poor fish had to get wet again.

Tales like these might be entertaining, but they’re definitely not based on facts.


 Lesté-Lasserre, Christa, 2022. , Some humpback whales travel 6000 kilometres in search of a mate,  New Scientist16 February. 

Saturday, 19 February 2022

Ancient virus lurking in us


Image courtesy of Mark P. Witton/Science Photo Library.

Joel Kontinen

Evolutionist claim that around 106 million years ago, the DNA of a virus that is, the early Cretaceous period, somehow got integrated into the genome of one of our mammal ancestors.

According to evolution, two million years later, something similar happened again with a closely related virus. Now, the ancient remnants of those viruses have been found inside our cells.

But the dates of the viruss are wrong.


Le Page, Michael. 2022. 106-million-year-old virus found ‘fossilised’ in the human genome NewScientist 18 February. 

Thursday, 17 February 2022

Naturally strong but light, says researcher on character of knobby starfish


Image courtesy of Sesamehoneytart,  CC BY-SA 4.0.  


Joel Kontinen

"Cellular solids such as foams or honeycombs can exhibit excellent stiffness or toughness with minimal weight.

 Yang et al. examined ossicles, calcareous skeletal elements from the skeletons of knobby starfish Protoreaster nodosus

 The authors show that the structure consists of a dual-scale microlattice with both an atomic-level calcite and a micro-level diamond-triply periodic minimal surface, as well as gradients in composition and atomic level defects. It is these combined features that enhance the damage tolerance of the ossicles under compression, giving the starfish remarkable specific energy absorption capabilities."

Biomimicry or copying design features seen in living organisms has become a lucrative research field, as the originals are almost always better than what human engineers could have come up with.

Many other features in animals bear the hallmarks of intelligent design. A recent study looked at the zebra’s tail, which is also a very effective tool.

Other examples include 
the Saiga antelope’s air-conditioning nose, the penguin’s anti-free feathers and an anti-crash system in birds, to mention just a few.


Yang, Yang  Et al, 2022. A damage-tolerant, dual-scale, single-crystalline microlattice in the knobby starfish, Protoreaster nodosus Science  10 February.  

Tuesday, 15 February 2022

Why Pluto looks young


Image courtesy of NASA/JHUAPL/SwRI


Joel Kontinen


When NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft flew past Pluto in July 2015, scientists were expecting to see a dwarf planet that looked old and its largest moon Charon to be full of impact craters.

However, what they saw blew their socks off, as NASA researcher Cathy Olkin put it in a New Horizons press conference.

Pluto looked 
far too young to fit into a 4.6 billion year old universe, and so did Charon.
Subsequent images sent by New Horizons showed 
more evidence for youth.

Scientist have proposed two interpretations of a cold Pluto.  ”The first which involves Pluto forming over millions of years by the slow accretion of cold objects. This version of Pluto eventually would have coalesced enough material that radiative heating from the inside would melt the subsurface ocean. The other hypothesis involves a “warm” or “hot” Pluto, in which Pluto formed over a shorter time period in violent collisions that heated its interior, formed the ocean, and eventually cooled the planet into the majority ice ball we know today. "

Anyhow, Pluto is just cold but its geography tells it is young. 


Wendel, JoAnna, 2022, Clues to Pluto’s History Lie in Its Faults Phys. org. 1 February.

Sunday, 13 February 2022

Researchers found an exoplanet orbiting a white dwarf star

 Image courtesy of Mark A. Garlck/

Joel Kontinen

 Researchers have found an exoplanet orbiting a white dwarf star in its habitable zone. Evolutionists assume that it can harbour live, just like bigger stars.

“A lot of people think of a white dwarf as a dead system or a dead end, but this tells us that there is a lot of stuff going on around white dwarfs,” says Jay Farihi at University College London.

Yes, white dwarfs are poisonous. They make living there impossible

Farihi and his colleagues spotted these hints while observing a star called WD 1054-226, which lies about 118 light years away, using several powerful telescopes

The researchers have found that a supposedly looking star hails about 2.6 million kilometres from the star – about 4 per cent of the distance between Mercury and the sun – putting their temperatures at around 50°C, which is right in the middle of the range for liquid water. This means that if there is a planet there, it could have the right temperature for oceans and maybe even life.

But that is just an assumption. Life only comes from being created.


Crane, Leah. 2022, First hints of a planet orbiting in a white dwarf’s habitable zone New Scientist  11 February

Friday, 11 February 2022

What Judaism meant for Adolf Hitler


Joel Kontinen

Recently, Whoopi Goldberg said the Nazi Holocaust was not about race. She was mistaken, as Hitler and his Nazi colleagues proved otherwise.

Wilhelm Marr argued the Jews were not a religion. Rather, they were a race locked in a “struggle for existence” with Germans

Hitler aided the mass murder of myriads of Sinti and Roma (Gypsies), Slavs, and others he saw as racially inferior.

Fritz Lenz was one of the leading geneticists in Germany before the Nazis came to power. He integrated anti-Semitism into his co-authored textbook on human genetics. And he was by no means alone.

The Germans dubbed the extinction of the Jews as Scientific Racism, so it gave a bad scent to all German philosophies.


Weikart, Richard. 2022. Let’s Learn from Whoopi Goldberg’s Misunderstanding about the History of Racism Evolution News and Science Today.  7 February. 

Wednesday, 9 February 2022

Researchers discover two-thirds of seafloor life


Image courtesy of MEDWAVES/IEO/ATLAS project.

Joel Kontinen

Almost two-thirds of seafloor life has not been discovered yet.

Scientists suppose that microhabitats like deep coral reefs and underwater volcanoes for species to adapt to. But that does not mean that such environments gives life on the moons of Jupiter or Saturn.

Life has to be created, as it cannot come by chance.

The current research team focused on eukaryotic DNA from small organisms. "We're talking about small animals less than a millimetre or 0.04 inches in size, and probably a lot of protozoans, a lot of single-celled organisms," Andrew Gooday said. 


Pester, Patrick. 2022. The deep seafloor is filled with entire branches of life yet to be discovered Live Science 3 February, 

Monday, 7 February 2022

The TRUE History of the Palestinian People

Joel Kontinen

Why do the people say that State of Palestine exists today The claim is based on falsehood, as the Jews have been living there as well

Saturday, 5 February 2022

Amnesty International’s fake Israeli apartheid report


Twitter screenshot.

Joel Kontinen 

Amnesty International has issued a fake “Israeli apartheid” report. It seemed to paint Israel’s as absurd from its birth and since then the situation has grown even worse.

The Biden administration rejected it as “absurd.” Some German politicians were furious, and the Arab population in Israel did not like it as well.

Apartheid in Israel is a lie proliferated by a United Nations dominated by Russia, which is desperate to deflect international condemnation of its Ukraine-invasion threats, and China, which is hoping that the world will not notice its sadistic genocide against the Uyghurs during its fractured Olympic moment.”

”the report spotlights the discredited notion that innocent Arabs are being evicted from their ancient homes in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood of Jerusalem. ” However, this section of Jerusalem was owned by jews, as the Jordanians know this.  


Black, Edwin 2022, , Amnesty’s latest desperate—and fake—‘Israeli apartheid’ report Jewish News Syndicate 31 January, 

Thursday, 3 February 2022

The very first life, according to evolution


Image courtesy of Maximillian cabinet/Shutterstock-

Joel Kontinen

Researchers from the University of Tsukuba have shown that according to evolution, the shape the the very first cells take, as life began to evolve, is important.

Researchers from the University of Tsukuba, in collaboration with East China Normal University, have shown that E. coli bacteria grown in a primordial-like environment become spherical.

According to evolution, “Oleic acid is the most common fatty acid in nature and can be metabolized by E. coli. The team therefore mimicked primordial conditions by growing six different lineages of cells in an environment where the only available nutrient was oleic-acid vesicles (OAVs), rather than the more usual glucose sugar”.

So they say that the first the earliest primitive cells live was spherical. However, as God caused life to appear, He probably did the whole think  at once,


 University of Tsukuba.2022.  "New spheres of knowledge on the origin of life. Science Daily. 12 January.