Friday 11 February 2022

What Judaism meant for Adolf Hitler


Joel Kontinen

Recently, Whoopi Goldberg said the Nazi Holocaust was not about race. She was mistaken, as Hitler and his Nazi colleagues proved otherwise.

Wilhelm Marr argued the Jews were not a religion. Rather, they were a race locked in a “struggle for existence” with Germans

Hitler aided the mass murder of myriads of Sinti and Roma (Gypsies), Slavs, and others he saw as racially inferior.

Fritz Lenz was one of the leading geneticists in Germany before the Nazis came to power. He integrated anti-Semitism into his co-authored textbook on human genetics. And he was by no means alone.

The Germans dubbed the extinction of the Jews as Scientific Racism, so it gave a bad scent to all German philosophies.


Weikart, Richard. 2022. Let’s Learn from Whoopi Goldberg’s Misunderstanding about the History of Racism Evolution News and Science Today.  7 February.