Friday, 30 December 2022

Ichthyosaurs are not as old as evolution supposes


Image courtesy of Gabriel Ugueto.

Joel Kontinen

Some Darwinists think that ichthyosaurs that superficially resembled today’s whales and dolphins-  

Ichthyosaurs, who according  to evolution lived about 250 million years ago, indicates that breeding behaviours seen in modern marine animals like whales were being performed by their reptilian equivalents at the time of the dinosaurs

Soft tissue has been found in an ichthyosaur., which means that they cannot be as old as evolution supposes.   


Marshall,  Michael, 2022. Ichthyosaurs may have been travelling to specific breeding areas more than 200 million years ago.  New Scientist  19 December, 

Wednesday, 28 December 2022

The mystery of plants


Image courtesy of  Ruby Fresson, 

Joel Kontinen

Some Darwinists believe that just like dogs, all species of plants have the same forefathe,. 

They say that all plants belong to a single species: Brassica oleracea. just like all dogs belong to the wolf kind. , 

But here the evolutions train has it backwards, dogs belong to the dog kind, but plants are very different,  Each plant has to be created by God,   

Source : 

Ainsworth,  Claire, 2022. The surprising origin of sprouts, the vegetable we either love or hate New Scientis14 December, 


Monday, 26 December 2022

Darwinists say that a microbe is found in all humans and animalsl


Image courtesy of the  University of Vienna

Joel Kontinen

Darwinist have decided that the earliest microbe that they have grown in a lab may be one of the earliest branches on the tree of life. \They say that this microbe came to be,

This microbe called Lokiarchaeum ossiferum and it has all the cells that make up the human body as well as all plants, animals, and many single-celled organisms,

However, the microbe came to be by intelligent design, No lab crearure has the  Wherewithal to be a microbe in a persons life. 


 Pennisi,  Elizabeth, 2022, Strange, tentacled microbe may resemble ancestor of complex life Science  21 December. 



Saturday, 24 December 2022

Ëvolutionists think that consonants had their origin in trees

Image courtesy of Media Drum World / Alamy Stock Photo 


Joel Kontinen

Evolutionists think that human speech might have originated in the talk that monkeys and apes give,  

They think that consonants may have their roots be in an arboreal lifestyle, hinting that our ancestors spent more time in trees than currently thought.

The current trend focuses in orangutans, that “have this rich repertoire of kiss sounds, scrapes and clicks and raspberries and smacks,” says Adriano Lameira at the University of Warwick in the UK, 

Source;Kemeny , Richard, , 2022, Living in trees may have given great apes vocal skills for consonants, New Science

Thursday, 22 December 2022

The age of the Universe is not what evolution says


Courtesy of the  University of Alberta.  

Joel Kontinen

Evolution has a strange story of the makeup pf the solar system. they say that it formed some 4,5 billion years ago. Now pow, grapefruit-size rocky meteoroid that landed in Alberta Canada might have come from the  the Oort Cloud “a reservoir of celestial objects that encircles the entire solar system and separates it from interstellar space.”

“A popular current theory about how the solar system formed is the pebble accretion model, which describes millimeter-size pebbles being sucked together over time to form celestial bodies.” 

However, this which rules out Godas the Creator  theory cannot explain the high observed abundance of rocky material in the Oort cloud. 


 Carter , Jamie. 2022,  Grapefruit-size fireball from mysterious Oort Cloud could rewrite the history of the solar system. Live Science16 December

Monday, 19 December 2022

The Fermi paradox cannot create life


Image credit: NASA/Adler/U. Chicago/Wesleyan/JPL-Caltech. 

Joel Kontinen

Why haven’t aliens contacted us?   Maybe they think that the there is no sign of intelligence here. A study written by Amri Wandel, an astrophysicist at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem looked at the Fermi paradox which holds that given the age of the universe and we have not seen any advanced civilizations that tried to contact us.  

But Wandel states that we have not tried to contact them, safe for a message in 1974 and we might try a second time.


However, live needs an intelligent designer to create it. Time and years will not suffice

 Source :

Pappas,  Stephanie, 2022.  Aliens haven't contacted Earth because there's no sign of intelligence here, new answer to the Fermi paradox suggests. Live Science  16 December.- ,

Sunday, 18 December 2022

Watery Exoplanets


courtesy of NASA, ESA, Leah Hustak (STScI). 

Joel Kontinen

Two strange planets 218 light years away from us may be completely coveredin oceans 500 times deeper than Earth’s. While the planets do not have life, Evolutionist are eager that some  of them will may be scattered in the universe.  

Researchers think that these planets Kepler-138 c and d are relative close to their sun and thus have “dense atmospheres of steam. Beneath the atmosphere, temperatures are expected toreach beyond 200°C and pressures would be at least 100 times the surface pressure on Earth.. ”


Leah, Crane. 2022.    Twin planets orbiting a distant star may be half water, New Scientist 15 December

Friday, 16 December 2022

Which is the oldest animal?


Image courtesy 0f Micha L. Rieser,

Joel Kontinen

According to evolutionists, which animal has been on Earth the longest?

With its millions of years of evolution, , Darwinist cannot decide which animal lived has survived the longest, One suggestion  is the Triops cancriformi that was supposed to lived with dinosaurs in the Triassic period (251.9 million to 201.3 million years ago).

But then a study in 2012 said that it was merely a descendant of one that looked liked it. now they  was was merely 26 million years old 2 similar-looking Triassic ancestors and they had the same problem with the coelacanth species that were thought to be 400 million yeats old-but they have changed.

"The oldest living group of Asian horseshoe crabs called Tachypleus only emerged about 25 million years ago, despite looking similar to fossils that are hundreds of millions of years old."

So it seems evolutionists have trouble with their millions of years. 


 Pester, Patrick. 2022. Which animal species has existed the longest? Live Science.   12 December. 

Wednesday, 14 December 2022

Can DNA last for 2 million Years ?

Image courtesy of Beth Zaiken/ 

Joel Kontinen

Darwinists have made history. They have discovered DNA from 2 million years ago recovered from sediments in Greenland. It is the oldest preserved DNA found to date, blowing past the previous record of 1 million years ago, set in 2021, 

 But their time scale is based on the Darwinian scale of millions of years, But how do we measure such ages – only by postulating that they occurred.  that God did not create it, 


 Marshall Michael. 2022.  DNA from 2 million years ago is the oldest ever recovered. New Scientist 7 December. 

Monday, 12 December 2022

Beak fossil upends bird evolutionary tree


Joel Kontinen

Darwinians do not know how birds evolved. now, a 57 million years old beak has written the tree of life of birds again. They say that most modern birds have   “flexible bony palates that allow them to move their upper beak independently of their skull.”

Only a few species, like emus, ostriches and kiwis — have fused palates and fixed beaks, They assumed that all modern birds like these, But a tiny bone suggests that flexiblejaws came first 



Benito, Juan et al. 2022, Cretaceous ornithurine supports a neognathous crown bird ancestor, Nature 612, 100–105.flexible jaws came first.   

Saturday, 10 December 2022

Intelligent design keeps membranes in order

Joel Kontinen

Membrane proteins are common proteins that interact with biological membranes, connecting the cell to its environment and are essential for key biological activities and cell survival. To function properly, they need to adopt a well-defined three-dimensional structure within the lipid bilayer. Failures in this process can give birth to numerous diseases.

 Zanotti et al. found that the human signal peptidase complex, which removes signal peptides from endoplasmic reticulum–targeted secretory and membrane proteins, has an additional quality control function. The complex cleaves faulty membrane proteins, supporting their degradation and helping to maintain a healthy membrane proteome. Evolution cannot do this, but intelligent design can. 

These findings extend our understanding of molecular quality control in cells and suggest potential targets in protein-folding disorders


Hurtley Stella M. 2022, Weeding out faulty membrane proteins Science 1 December, 

Thursday, 8 December 2022

The bronze age tells the Bible is true

Sumerian; Lyre ornament; Metalwork-Ornaments, CC0 1.0

Joek Kontinen 

The Bible talks a lot about bronze, It was one of the weapons used in the Old Testament.  It was also used to build The Bronze Serpent that saved the Israelites from destruction when they were bitten by real snakes. 

Here is what Science magazine says about bronze;

 “Bronze, which is composed of copper and tin, was a key commodity of the ancient world during the second millennium BCE and was used for weapons and everyday tools. The copper sources for bronze have long been known, but those of tin have never been identified with certainty. In a study of 105 tin ingots from the extraordinary shipwreck site of Uluburun off Turkey’s southern coast, Powell et al. found that one-third of them had their origin in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, more than 3000 kilometers away. These findings suggest that trade at multiple scales, ranging from households to political elites, contributed to a vast network, challenging previous models of centralized control of commodity trade in this era.”

But the Bible is not based on bronze age myths, It tells the stories   of real  people in real time


Aldenderfer  Mark. 2022. Bronze Age trade networks of tin.- Science 3 December 

Tuesday, 6 December 2022

Gorgons survived a mass extinction


Image courtesy of Dmitry BogdanovCC BY 3.0. 

Joel Kontinen

 Scientists tell us that 90% of all species went extinct during the "Great Dying" around 252 million years ago, But new research shows that in  the case of one paleo-beast — the so-called gorgon — reports of its death were greatly exaggerated.

Now they say that some of these so-called gorgons survived into the Triassic period. However, they didn't survive long, making them a "dead clade walking," the team said.

They say  that “An analysis of three specimens found in the Karoo Basin in South Africa reveals that this saber-toothed group, known as gorgonopsians, the dominant predators during the late Permian period, managed to survive the "Great Dying."

'Dead clade walking' is a term used in the evolutionary science to refer to extinction studies that refers to when a group of organisms technically survives a mass extinction, but is so damaged by it that they never recover. 


 Geggel, Laura. 2022. Monstrous 'gorgons' survived a mass extinction, but they were a 'dead clade walking'.  Live Science 5 December 

Sunday, 4 December 2022

Evolution: lizards just became 35 millions years older


Image couttesy of Lavinia Gandolfi.

Joel Kontinen 

Scientists at the Natural History Museum have decided that a reptile  cryptovaranoides microlanius was truly a reptile. it moves the origin of reptiles from the later Middle Jurassic period to the Late Triassic period (237-201 million years ago), so that according to evolution they have existed for 35 million years longer than previously thought.


Bristol: Fossil shows lizards millions of years older than thought BBC News 3 December, 

Friday, 2 December 2022

Titan seen from the James Webb Space Telescope


Clouds on Titan as seen by JWST (left) and Keck (right)

Image courtesy of NASA, ESA, CSA, Webb Titan GTO Team, Alyssa Pagan (STScI). 

Joel Kontinen 

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and the W. M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii have taken images revealing clouds floating across the skies of Titan, Saturn’s largest moon. They examined how Titan,  the only world that has a liquid ocean on its surface. 

Evolutionist claim that here might be precursors to  life on Saturn's moon Titan

A circular molecule spotted on Saturn's Saturn’s moon Titan

The moon has Tholin, which is an indicator of young age.


 Crane, Leah 2022. JWST has taken pictures of clouds on Saturn’s moon Titan, New Scientist 1 December.