Monday 16 September 2024

Tiny chameleon spotted by tourists in Madagascar is new to science


Image courtesy of Andolalao Rakotoarison

Joel Kontinen

According to evolution, species live for a certain time and then they die. But this has not happened with the tiny chameleon now found in Madagascar.

“A species of leaf chameleon newly named Brookesia nofy was discovered in a patch of coastal rainforest, a highly threatened habitat in Madagascar.

A species of leaf chameleon new to science, measuring less than half the length of a human forefinger, has been discovered in a tiny patch of Madagascar’s highly threatened coastal rainforests.

Miguel Vences at the Technical University of Braunschweig in Germany and his colleagues were alerted to its presence by tourists posting photos of the tiny reptiles on the internet.

Vences’s Malagasy collaborators, Andolalao Rakotoarison and Alida Frankline Hasiniaina, went looking for it and collected the first sample.

Leaf chameleons, from the genus Brookesia, are miniature chameleons the colour of fallen leaves that have been breaking records for their small body sizes in recent years.

Brookesia nana, for example, described in northern Madagascar in 2021, is just 22 millimetres long and is thought to be the world’s smallest reptile.”


Ryan Truscott 2024. Brookesia nofy: Tiny chameleon spotted by tourists in Madagascar is new to science | New Scientist 16 September.

Saturday 14 September 2024

Complex chemicals found on Enceladus improve prospects for life


Image Courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech

Joel Kontinen

The Cassini mission’s samples from Saturn’s moon Enceladus have signs of various organic molecules that could be among the ingredients needed for life to get started

Same evolutionists think that life could be found In Saturn’s moon Enceladus. it seems that Enceladus appears to have a greater range of complex organic molecules than previously thought, increasing the likelihood of chemical reactions that produce the building blocks of life.

Enceladus is one of the most promising places for life to exist elsewhere in our solar system. It has a vast liquid ocean underneath its icy crust, from which plumes of ice and vapour erupt.”

But it is a long journey from the  building block of life to life itself. Only God can give life to Saturn`s moon.


Alex Wilkins 2024 Complex chemicals found on Enceladus improve prospects for life | New Scientist 13 September.


Thursday 12 September 2024

Huge new volcano has burst through the surface of Jupiter’s moon Io


Image courtesy of Galileo/JunoCam/NASA

Joel Kontinen

In between two spacecraft visiting Jupiter’s moon Io, a volcano spreading material over hundreds of kilometres has appeared.

The moons around Jupiter should not have volcanoes in them as they have been present for millions ofyears, according to Darwinists, but Io has many and they are still active.

“A fresh volcano with lava flows spanning hundreds of kilometres has appeared on Jupiter’s moon Io. It has formed in the 27 years between flybys of two spacecraft.

Astronomers first took detailed photos of Io, the most volcanically active body in the solar system, with NASA’s Galileo spacecraft, which was studying Jupiter and its moons between 1995 and 2003.”


Alex Wilkins 2024. Huge new volcano has burst through the surface of Jupiter’s moon Io | New Scientist 11 September. 

Wednesday 11 September 2024

Can eels escape the predator that has swallowed them?


Image courtesy of Hasegawa et al./Current Biology

 Joel Kontinen

X-ray videos of Japanese eels swallowed whole by dark sleeper fish have revealed how the eels can make a daring escape from being digested.

Japanese eels try to wriggle back out of the stomachs of fish that have swallowed them whole – and now we know how they sometimes succeed.

A few years ago, Yuha Hasegawa at Nagasaki University in Japan noticed that Japanese eels (Anguilla japonica) that had been swallowed by fish were somehow reappearing in tanks. Further investigation revealed that the eels were escaping through the gills of fish, with 28 out of 54 eels that had been observed being swallowed whole managing to escape – but exactly how they managed this feat was unclear.

Now, Hasegawa and colleagues have managed to film the process by injecting eels with a contrast agent that makes them visible on X-rays. Of 32 eels that were filmed being swallowed whole by dark sleeper fish (Odontobutis obscura), 12 managed to go back up the gullet far enough to bend their tail around and get it out of a gill slit. Of these 12, nine escaped.

In some cases, the tails of the eels weren’t fully in the fish’s stomach when they starting moving backwards up the gullet, b in others the entire body was in the stomach, with the eels circling around as if looking for a way out. Five out of 11 eels that were fully in the stomach managed to put their tail into the gullet entrance and back up towards the gills.

The eels strategy is through the intelligent design that works in them, This happened  after the events  recorded in Genesis 3 on the Fall of man.


Michael Le Page 2024. Watch eels escape from the stomachs of fish after being swallowed | New Scientist 9 September.

Monday 9 September 2024

Hippos found in England during the Ice Age


Image Courtesy Of Bjørn Christian Tørrissen, CC BY-SA 4.0.

Joel Kontinen

Hippos are sun loving animals, but in England some 100 hippo fossils have been recovered during the Ice Age.

This is hard thing for evolution, since hippos cannot live so far from the tropics, but it can explained by the effects of Noah’s flood.


Michael Oard, 2024, The Hippos in England.   Creation 46: 4 24-28.

Saturday 7 September 2024

Scientists might be on track to revealing new facets of physics.

An illustration of two merging galaxies setting spacetime ringing with gravitational waves. (Image courtesy of NASA/CXC/A.Hobart) 

Joel Kontinen

Research shows that there is something cool about the Big Bang.

"Theorists and experimentalists have speculated nanohertz gravitational waves originated from a known transition that happened very soon after the Big Bang — a change that generated the masses of all the known fundamental particles," Andrew Fowlie, an assistant professor at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, said in a statement. "However, our work uncovers serious problems with that otherwise appealing origin."

Some scientists think that the first life in the universe could have formed in seconds after the Big Bang.

Many evolution believing scientists believe a "first-order phase transition occurred at the very beginning of time, triggering the launch of gravitational waves, or ripples in space-time. Those waves, experts think, could therefore be used to determine conditions present during the first epoch of rapid inflation in our universe, or maybe even the conditions present before the Big Bang”.

Big Bang has many problems, such as this one. Only God can create universe.


Robert Lea 2024 Gravitational waves hint at a 'supercool' secret about the Big Bang | Live Science 24 August.

Thursday 5 September 2024

Can we spot every incoming asteroid before they hit Earth?


Image courtesy of Allan Madelar/Facebook

Joel Kontinen

News of the asteroid 2024 RW1 impacting near the Philippines may have come as a shock this week, but space agencies and astronomers around the world are keeping an eye out to protect us.

Can we spot the asteroids that come to Earth, just as the asteroid that according to evolutionists took off the dinosaurs many years ago, or the many that have reached Earth in the past or the one that is promised  in the book of Revelation?

“The surprise discovery of asteroid 2024 RW1, mere hours before it hit Earth harmlessly this week, may have you wondering whether we are at risk of larger space rocks coming out of nowhere and wreaking devastation. Thankfully, our ability to track asteroids is on the rise, even if we can’t catch them all.

“We believe we know more than 90 per cent of the asteroids that are about one kilometre in size, where one kilometre is considered, not a planet killer, but something that would destroy a whole region or a whole continent,” says Ian Carnelli.


Matthew Sparkes 2024. Can we spot every incoming asteroid before they hit Earth? | New Scientist 5 September.

Tuesday 3 September 2024

Huge asteroid impact may have knocked over Jupiter's largest moon


Image courtesy of NASA/JPL/University of Arizona

Joel Kontinen

When did Ganymede get its present shape?

According  to Darwinists, a massive collision billions of years ago may have dramatically reoriented Ganymede, Jupiter’s largest moon.

But they have not known which meteor hit Ganymede, so its just a series of Darwinian  tales.

Naoyuki gata at Kobe University, Japan, and his colleagues studied Ganymede’s extensive furrow system, a series of concentric troughs believed to be remnants of the largest impact structure in the outer solarsystem.”

The centre of the furrow system aligns closely with Ganymede’s tidal axis – the imaginary line running  tales to Jupiter from the centre of the moon’s side that always faces its planet. This led the researchers to suggest that the impact that formed the furrows caused a significant redistribution of mass that reoriented the moon.

Through simulations, the researchers determined that the impactor responsible probably had a diameter of about 150 kilometres ­– significantly larger than the one that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs on Earth, which is estimated to have had a diameter of about 10 kilometres.

Andrew Dombard at the University of Illinois Chicago says that if an asteroid like that hit Earth, “it would be a global sterilising event, a bad day”.

Upon impact, this asteroid would have breached Ganymede’s icy crust into the liquid oceans below, creating a transient crater and hurling vast amounts of material across the moon’s surface.


Jacklin Kwan2024. Huge asteroid impact may have knocked over Jupiter's largest moon | New Scientist 3 September. 

Sunday 1 September 2024

Dark matter could be hiding inside strange failed stars


Image courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech

Joel Kontinen

Where is dark matter? Is it just a fluke or does it exist.

Now, some researchers think they may have spotted them.   

They say that “dark matter-fuelled brown dwarfs could be lurking at the centres of galaxies. If astronomers manage to spot them, they could teach us about how dark matter interacts with regular matter.

Brown dwarfs are vast balls of gas, between 13 and 72 times as massive as Jupiter but smaller than stars and with too little matter to sustain the nuclear fusion of hydrogen in their cores.

The threshold at which they start fusing hydrogen and become stars.“

But if it does not exist, what would it matter?


 Alex Wilkins. 2024. Dark matter could be hiding inside strange failed stars | New Scientist 30 August.