Saturday 14 September 2024

Complex chemicals found on Enceladus improve prospects for life


Image Courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech

Joel Kontinen

The Cassini mission’s samples from Saturn’s moon Enceladus have signs of various organic molecules that could be among the ingredients needed for life to get started

Same evolutionists think that life could be found In Saturn’s moon Enceladus. it seems that Enceladus appears to have a greater range of complex organic molecules than previously thought, increasing the likelihood of chemical reactions that produce the building blocks of life.

Enceladus is one of the most promising places for life to exist elsewhere in our solar system. It has a vast liquid ocean underneath its icy crust, from which plumes of ice and vapour erupt.”

But it is a long journey from the  building block of life to life itself. Only God can give life to Saturn`s moon.


Alex Wilkins 2024 Complex chemicals found on Enceladus improve prospects for life | New Scientist 13 September.