Monday 16 September 2024

Tiny chameleon spotted by tourists in Madagascar is new to science


Image courtesy of Andolalao Rakotoarison

Joel Kontinen

According to evolution, species live for a certain time and then they die. But this has not happened with the tiny chameleon now found in Madagascar.

“A species of leaf chameleon newly named Brookesia nofy was discovered in a patch of coastal rainforest, a highly threatened habitat in Madagascar.

A species of leaf chameleon new to science, measuring less than half the length of a human forefinger, has been discovered in a tiny patch of Madagascar’s highly threatened coastal rainforests.

Miguel Vences at the Technical University of Braunschweig in Germany and his colleagues were alerted to its presence by tourists posting photos of the tiny reptiles on the internet.

Vences’s Malagasy collaborators, Andolalao Rakotoarison and Alida Frankline Hasiniaina, went looking for it and collected the first sample.

Leaf chameleons, from the genus Brookesia, are miniature chameleons the colour of fallen leaves that have been breaking records for their small body sizes in recent years.

Brookesia nana, for example, described in northern Madagascar in 2021, is just 22 millimetres long and is thought to be the world’s smallest reptile.”


Ryan Truscott 2024. Brookesia nofy: Tiny chameleon spotted by tourists in Madagascar is new to science | New Scientist 16 September.