Wednesday, 30 November 2022

New Lazarus species found in Papua New Guinea

Image courtesy of American Bird Conservancy

Joel Kontinen

According to evolution, species tend to flourish for a short while and then die out, but the number of Lazarus species gtows fast, almost daily,  

Now, “for the first time in 140 years, researchers have scientifically documented a rare bird called the black-naped pheasant-pigeon (Otidiphaps insularis)," It is foumd   only in Papua New Guinea's Fergusson Island. 


source Thompson,  Joanna, 2022,  Long-lost bird species, thought to be extinct, captured in images for 1st time in 140 years, Live Science 23 November  

Monday, 28 November 2022

Cambrian brain is bizarre


Image courtesy of Citron, CC BY-SA 3.0

Joel Kontinen
Arthropods are invertebrate animals with an exoskeleton body and paired jointed appendages, They trace their supposed evolutionary origins back to the Cambrian Period, and there has been continued debate about the origin of the brain in this speciose group.

 A prevailing view has been that the euarthropod brain was partly composed of ganglia originating from the ventral nervous system. But Strausfield et al. describe the structure of the brain in a lobopodian from the Cambrian that is over 520 million years old, and found that instead the brainScience was already divided into three separate cerebral components even before the assumed evolution of the head. These findings support the conclusion that the cerebral and caudal nervous system evolved differently in this group.

However, God created the cerebral and caudal nervous system of these animals at once, in the beginning of time
Vignier , Sacha. 2022. Cambrian brain origin Science 25 November.

Saturday, 26 November 2022

Some black holes tend to act as cosmic particle accelerators


Image courtesy of Stocktrek Images, Inc. / Alamy Stock Photo. 

Joel Kontinen

Some black holes can accelerate particles to extraordinarily high energies at us. A black hole called a blazar does it.

Recently, “a new X-ray space telescope called the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) has made this possible for the first time. Yannis Liodakis at the University of Turku in Finland and his colleagues used it to look at a particularly bright blazar called Markarian 501.”


Crane, Leah . 2022. We may finally know how blazars act as cosmic particle accelerators. New Scientist 23 November. 

Thursday, 24 November 2022

Seagulls have dark wings by design

 Image courtesy of Jacinto Escaray/Shutterstock.

Joel Kontinen 

Many gliding birds have long and thin wings, but seagulls have none. now, a British scientist has noted how albatrosses wings are about 10°C warmer than the white surface underneath and she decided to test this in seagulls also.

Madeleine Goumas “found that greater wing loading was associated with darker shades of grey on the mantle and with the proportion of black markings on the wing tips. More specifically, species with larger bodies and smaller wings, like the great black-backed gull (Larus marinus) and Olrog’s gull (Larus atlanticus), tended to have darker mantles and wing tips, whereas the colouring was lighter in birds with smaller bodies and wider wings, like the ivory gull (Pagophila eburnea), which is completely white.”

So it seems that intelligent design is taking a role in which seagulls act.


 Lesté-Lasserre , Christa. 2022. Why do seagulls have dark wings? It may help them glide in the air..  New Scientist 22 November

Tuesday, 22 November 2022

Migratory birds defy evolution

 Image courtesy of Davide D'Amico, fair use doctrine,

Joel Kontinen


Evolutionists do not know how birds evolved and how they know where to go.  

Autumn is the time for migrations of birds, they escape the harsher conditions further north. but who or what put the desire of birds to fly, Evolution is not the answer, as birds have to think. 

Many other species and traits cause additional problems for evolution, for instance starling murmurationsanti-crash systemscooling beaks and anti-freeze.

What is more, birds such as 
robinshummingbirds, cockatoos and bowerbirds display many signs of very intelligent design that cannot be explained away by evolutionary storytelling.

And bird migration refutes the local flood hypothesis.


 Sarchet,  Penny. 2022  The migrating birds that roam the world to live in an eternal summer New Scientist 16 November

Sunday, 20 November 2022

Consciousness must be beyond computable physics, says mathematician Roger Penrose

 Image courtesy of Dave Stock.

Joel  Kontinen 

The University of Oxford mathematician Roger Penrose. He thinks he is an agnostic but he does not doesn’t believe in the Darwinian theory that  consciousness is located in the brain and says that consciousness must be beyond computable physics,  However, he thoughts are not religious.

In 2020, Penrose was awarded one half of the Nobel Prize in physics for the discovery the black hole.


Brooks,  Michael, 2O22. Roger Penrose: "Consciousness must be beyond computable physics" New Scientist14 November. 

Saturday, 19 November 2022

Muinainen jättiläiskilpikonna löydettiin Espanjasta


Kuva: ICRA_Arts.

,Joel Kontinen


Muinainen kilpikonnalaji, jonka jäännökset on löydetty Espanjasta, on suurin Euroopasta koskaan löydetty merikilpikonna.

Kilpikonna, joka on saanut nimekseen Leviathanochelys aenigmatica, oli jopa 3,74 metriä pitkä. Se eli evolutionistien mukaan joskus 72,1–83,6 miljoonaa vuotta sitten, suunnilleen samaan aikaan kuin dinosaurukset, kuten Velociraptor. 

Retkeilijä löysi fossiilin palaset ensimmäisen kerran vuonna 2016 Coll de Nargósta, kylästä Katalonian alueella. Paikalliset viranomaiset ja museovirkailijat kaivoivat ja keräsivät jäännökset.  Vuonna 2021 Àngel Luján Barcelonan autonomisesta yliopistosta ja hänen kollegansa suorittivat lisää kaivauksia alueella ja havaitsivat, että fossiili todella kuului uuteen kilpikonnalajiin. Tämän kaivauksen aikana ryhmä ymmärsi, että kilpikonnan 90 senttimetriä leveässä lantiossa oli kaksi luun pullistumaa etupuolella, toisin kuin muissa aiemmin kuvatuissa kilpikonnan lantioissa.

Kilpikonna on toiseksi suurin koskaan löydetty merikilpikonna ja suurin Euroopasta löydetty. Suurin koskaan löydetty merikilpikonna, Archelon, löydettiin Pohjois-Amerikasta, ja sen ruumiinpituuden arvioidaan olevan 4,6 metriä. "Löytömme osoittaa myös, että jättimäiset merikilpikonnat kehittyivät useita kertoja omalaatuisiin perheisiin", Luján sanoo. Kilpikonnalla oli luultavasti samanlainen ruokavalio kuin muilla merikilpikonnilla, ne söivät esimerkiksi sieniä ja leviä, hän sanoo.

 Evolutionistit eivät tiedä, miksi nämä kilpikonnat kasvoivat niin suuriksi, mutta Martin Sander Bonnin yliopistosta Saksasta ehdottaa, että jättiläiskilpikonnat ovat saattaneet menestyä paremmin. "Jättikilpikonnat ovat todennäköisesti levinneet ympäri maailmaa kuten nahkakilpikonnat nykyään", hän sanoo. Luján sanoo odottavansa, että Euroopassa löydetään paljon enemmän muinaisia ​​jättiläiskilpikonnia.

 Mutta Nooan ajan vedenpaisumus toi kuoleman isoille eläimille, joita tuolloin oli monia.

Luján sanoo, että tällaisten kilpikonnien jäännöksiä on monia maissa, kuten Italiassa ja Tšekin tasavallassa, mutta ne eivät ole yhtä ehjiä kuin hänen tiiminsä löytämä kilpikonna. "Olemme optimistisia ja uskomme, että Euroopasta on mahdollista löytää lisää jättiläiskilpikonnalajeja", hän sanoo.

 Löytö viittaa myös mahdollisuuteen löytää lisää jättiläiskilpikonnia Pohjois-Afrikasta. "Etelä-Euroopassa ja Pohjois-Afrikassa oli useita yhteisiä eläimistöä, sekä meri- että maanpäällisiä, myöhäisliitukaudella, 80–66 miljoonaa vuotta sitten", Luján sanoo. "Sen vuoksi ei olisi yllättävää löytää uusia jättimäisiä merikilpikonnia näiltä alueilta." 


 Murugesu, Jason Arunn, 2022. Gigantic turtle from the dinosaur era was almost 4 metres long, New scientist 17. 11.  

Friday, 18 November 2022

Mars may be slowly ripping apart its largest moon

Image courtesy of Shutterstock.

Joel Kontinen 

A new study has revealed that the weird parallel grooves on the surface of Mars' largest moon Phobos could be a sign that the Red Planet's gravity is ripping the satellite apart.

Mars' largest moon Phobos shows signs of being ripped apart by the extreme gravitational forces exerted on it by the Red Planet, 

 Phobos is around 27 kilometres or 17 miles across at its widest point and orbits Mars at a distance of 6,000 km or 3,728 miles), completing a full rotation around the Red Planet three times every day. For comparison, Earth's moon  is around 3,475 km or 2,159 miles, and  it is 384,400 km or 238,855 miles apart from us and it takes around 27 days to complete one orbit. 

 However, unlike the moon, Phobos' orbit around Mars is not stable: The tiny satellite is trapped in a death-spiral and is slowly falling towards the Martian surface at a rate of 6 feet (1.8 meters) every 100 years. Phobos' most unusual feature is arguably its mysterious stripey surface. Parallel grooves, or surface striations, cover the moon. According to evolutionists, Phobos will hit Mars in around 40 million years in the future.   



Baker, Harry.  2022, Mars may be slowly ripping its largest moon apart Live Science.  14 November. 


Wednesday, 16 November 2022

Early humas cooked fish "780,000 years ago"


Image courtesy of Ella Maru / University of Tel Aviv,

Joel Kontinen

Some Darwinists believe that man may have cooked fish approximately 780, 000 years ago,. This  is contrary to the beliefs of old age or progressive creation, which states that humans relics if the past are of not.human.  

Now, microscopic changes in the enamel of ancient fish teeth indicate that humans may have been cooking fish in an earthen oven at least 780,000 years ago. they believe that the early men were Homo erectus


Lesté-Lasserre, Christa 2022. Early humans may have cooked fish in ovens 780,000 years ago. New Scientist. 14 November.   

Monday, 14 November 2022

No little green men on new star or its planets


Image courtesy of  NASA, Public Domain.

Joel Kontinen  

 Some exostars are full of wonders:   

“A strange star about 13,000 light years away may have a solid surface, not a gaseous one like most stars. The star, called 4U 0142+61 but nicknamed simply 4U, is a magnetar – the dense, highly magnetised corpse of a giant star that exploded in a supernova – and researchers have never seen one like this before".

“X-ray observations show that a distant magnetar may have a surface made of a strange material somewhere between a solid and a fluid instead of a gaseous one like most stars"

We would not find little green men on  the Star or its planets.  

The start throws the planetary formation theory out of the window. We have no reason to find little green  men on the star or its planets,


 Crane,  Leah. 2O22,  A weird dead star may have a solid-like surface made of iron crystals,  New Scientist 3 November,, 

Saturday, 12 November 2022

The Higgs boson could reveal the fate of our universe

Image courtesy of Daniel Dominguez/CERN

Joel Kontinen

The Higgs boson was first discovered over ten years ago.

This is what i wrote about it: . 

When a hitherto undiscovered particle gets the name “God particle”, one might suspect that it is not just an ordinary boson. But, then, very little in nature is ordinary. For instance, a tiny cell is full of astounding nanomachines.

The problem with the ”God Particle” or the Higgs boson is that scientists assert that it might tell us something about the origin of some of the fundamental building blocks of matter.

his, of course, is pure speculation. Ink cannot tell us how an author wrote a text and a particle cannot tell us how it came into being. It definitely cannot tell us that God had nothing to do with its creation.

Some say that it could lead to other spatial dimensions and the eventual fate of the universe.  

 Orimoto , Toyoko. 2022.  How the Higgs boson could reveal the fate of our universe New Scientist 4. 11.  

Thursday, 10 November 2022

How flowering plants beautiy our scenes


Image courtesy of Ben Giles. 

Joel Kontinen

According to evolution, gymnosperms or plants that produce seeds, but not true flowers are the original flowers.  Charles  Darwin called the appearance of flowering plants an abominable mystery as they seem to evolve from nothing, 

Now, new scientist has called Welwitschia mirabilisthe oldest the Namib desert. It lived among the palm-like cycads and ginkgo and Australian dino tree, theWollemi pine. - 

Well, the Darwinians have not solved the aabominable mystery.

 Source:  Sarchet. Penny. 2022. How flowering plants beat bloom-free gymnosperms to world dominance,, New Scientist   8 November. 

Tuesday, 8 November 2022

The age of the universe

Image courtesy of NASA and the European Space Agency. -

Joel Kontinen

Evolutionists claim that the universe is 13.8 billion years but how do they know iti? 

All current estimates point to this  sum, .

"In  the 1920s, astronomer Edwin Hubble came up with a way to figure out the relationship between the distance of an object, based on how long its light takes to reach  Earth, “

But some stars are older that the age of the universe


Rayne,  Elizabeth, 2022,  How do we know the age of the universe? Live Science 1 November. , 

Sunday, 6 November 2022

White dwarf's planets were born before Earth existed


Image courtesy of Mark A. Garlick. 

Joel Kontinen

New Scientist is full of evolutionary stories. Now, they speculate that a  strangely cool star absorbed its planets billions of years before Earth even existed.

They reported that Last year, astronomers spotted a white dwarf  about 90 light years from us. White dwarfs are the remnants of dead stars that have ceased to carry out nuclear fusion, but this one, WD J2147-4035, appeared to be much cooler than most white dwarfs. Its relatively cold temperature indicated that it was about 10 billion years old – much older than other stars in its galactic neighbourhood.

This is contrary to what we read in Genesis 1.


Wilkins, Alex, 2022. Planets around graveyard star were consumed before Earth was even born,  New Scientist 5 November.