Thursday, 29 July 2021

•A Meteor Brightens Up The Night In Norway

Image courtesy of: Norwegian Meteor Network. )

Joel Kontinen 

An "unusually large meteor" that lit up the skies over Norway on 25 July has begun. The meteor awakened awestruck residents of the country's capital city, Oslo, with the sound of a large explosion. 

The Meteor was speeding at  72000 km per hour or 43200 miles per hour when it fell about one in the morning, it landed in the forest near Oslo.  

However, it was not the size of the meteor that according to evolutionists brought an end to the dinosaurs millions of years ago


 Be. 2021, Flashing meteor that exploded over Norway landed somewhere in a nearby forest |  Live Science  26 July. 

Tuesday, 27 July 2021

Venus flower basket sponge (E. aspergillum) can be used in marine vehicles and aircraft

 Image courtesy of Kesari Lab, /Brown University. .

Joel Kontinen

The remarkable structural properties of the Venus flower basket sponge (E. aspergillum) might seem fathoms removed from human-engineered structures. However, insights into how the organism's latticework of holes and ridges influences the hydrodynamics of seawater in its vicinity could lead to advanced designs for buildings, bridges, marine vehicles and aircraft, and anything that must respond safely to forces imposed by the flow of air or water.

This is an intelligent design feature. For Darwinists, animal intelligence is an enormous dilemma, and plant intelligence even more so.

But in a created world we would expect animals and plants to show evidence of intelligence..

Biomimicry is a science that brings out that what God has designed. And what he did, He did very well.


Vergata Tor, University 2021. Glass sponges reveal important properties for the design of ships, skyscrapers and planes of the future 21 July. 

Saturday, 24 July 2021

Chimpanzees kill their albino chimp


Joel Kontinen

Image courtesy of Maël Leroux / Leroux et al. American Journal of Primatology 2021,

Researchers have found an albino chimp in Uganda that met a dreadful end. It was killed by its mother and another chimps.

It is ,doubful it the chimps took the albino for   “the chimp's white coloration also somewhat resembled that of black and white colobus monkeys (Colobus guereza), which chimps in the reserve prey upon; the infant's "prey-like" color, combined with its chimp-like smell and appearance, ‘could explain the behavior of some of the individuals towards the infant.’"


In any case, chimps don’t deserve our praise, they look like humans, but the fall of man spread also in the animal world,  


Albinos are a produce of the The Fall of mankind



Lanese  Nicoletta, 2021.Albino chimp baby murdered by its elders days after rare sighting Live Science 22 July. 

Friday, 23 July 2021

Scientific American says Adam and Eve were white


Joel Kontinen


Allison Hopper had a report on evolution in Scientific Amerixcan entitled Denial of Evolution Is a Form of White Supremacy.


She writes against American history, saying that Black history is forgotten, instead, she says:  


"In literal interpretations of the Christian Bible, white skin was created in God's image. Dark skin has a different, more problematic origin. As the biblical story goes, the curse or mark of Cain for killing his brother was a darkening of his descendants' skin. Historically, many congregations in the U.S. pointed to this story of Cain as evidence that Black skin was created as a punishment.”

 And she said this:  

 “This is contrary to what biblical scholars think. They suppose that Adam and Eve were not white but coloured so that they could give rise to all the people of the Earth,

The fantasy of a continuous line of white descendants segregates white heritage from Black bodies. In the real world, this mythology translates into lethal effects on people who are Black. Fundamentalist interpretations of the Bible are part of the “fake news” epidemic that feeds the racial divide in our country.”

 She says  that this is contrary to what evolution tells us about humanity. In her view, we know that we are of African origin. She does not deal with the evils of evolution in which Africans were tortured because of their colour. .  


Hopper. Allison. 2021.  Denial of Evolution Is a Form of White Supremacy. Scientific American  7 July.   

Wednesday, 21 July 2021

Secular scientist see UFOs and extraterrestrial. encounters as arising from a dreamlike state


Image courtesy of Phylyp, CC BY-SA 4.0.

Joel Kontinen

Recently, scientist have regarded extraterrestrial encounters as taking place in a dreamlike state, and researchers with the Phase Research Center (PRC),in Moscow,  instructing the PATENTS to "find or summon aliens or UFOs" during a lucid dream, the scientists reported July 2 in the International Journal of Dream Research.

One female participant spoke of seeing "little men" with blue skin, oversize heads "and huge, bulging eyes," the study authors reported. When the aliens invited her onto their spaceship, "I was blinded by a very bright light, like from a searchlight," she said. "My vision was gone, and I felt dizzy and light." 

The media are full of stories of UFOs but the government will not be accepting them.

In December 2017 and March 2018, The New York Times released three allegedly declassified videos showing U.S. Navy pilots trailing some 
unidentified flying objects.

UFOs seem to have a strong evolution connection. If one believes that life originated and evolved randomly on earth, one would probably also suppose that it could have evolved randomly elsewhere.

Some people might think that UFOs are our way to salvation, and that they gave us life by a mysterious Darwinian way. UFOs are not needed for life. Only God  can give live to us.

Source ;     

 Weisberger, Mindy, 2021.Alien abduction' stories may come from lucid dreaming, study hints Live Science 20 July. 

Monday, 19 July 2021

Birds fly using an internal compass


Image courtesy of  Ffrancis C. Franklin  Cc-By-Sa-3.0., 

Joel Kontinen

Migrating Birds use the Earth’s magnetic field to fly were they could. The system relies on a moleculte in their eyes called cryptochrome 4 that is sensitive to magnetism and thus giving the animals an internal compass.

The process may result in the animals seeing darker or lighter areas in their vision when they look in the direction of magnetic field lines, says Henrik Mouritsen at the University of Oldenburg in Germany.”

“Previous work has shown that certain species of birds, such as the European robin (Erithacus rubecula), use Earth’s magnetic fields when they migrate, as well as using visual and other cues.”


 Wilson, Clare. 2021. We may finally know how migrating birds sense Earth's magnetic field. New Scientist 23 June.

Saturday, 17 July 2021

More archeological discoveries in Jerusalem


Image courtesy of Israel Antiquities Authority.

Joel Kontinen

Archaeology confirms what the bible says. The Arabs have been saying that this is not true, that the Jews are settlers and the Arabs had been there before them. 


“Inside the tunnels beneath the Western Wall in Israel, archaeologists have uncovered the final parts of an elaborate building that may have been used as a reception area for members of Jerusalem's local council and their guests on their journey to Temple Mount. “


Here’s what the Israelis Say About The Wall:


They believe that it was used by the Babylonians who took Jerusalem in 586 BC.

“Near the wall, archeologists found a Babylonian stamp seal made of stone, depicting a figure standing in front of symbols of the two Babylonian gods Marduk and Nabu. Not far from there, a bulla, a stamp seal impression made in clay, was found bearing the Judean name “Tsafan.”

Time and again, archaeology has confirmed that the Bible describes ancient history and culture accurately.

We now have archaeological evidence for the United Monarchy of David and Solomon and biblically sound dates for the Gihon Tower in Jerusalem, for instance.

The Bible recounts 
real eventsreal people and even real catastrophes, such as earthquakes.


Jarus, Owen, 2021. Magnificent Roman-era building unearthed under Israel's Western Wall Live Science 15 July.. 

Thursday, 15 July 2021

Smallest cow on Earth

 Image courtesy of Munir Uz zaman AFP.

Joel Kontinen

The heifer is 23 months old and it is called Rani. She stands a mere 51 centimeters or 20 inches tall, meaning that, once her measurements are verified, she will easily break the record set by Manikyam 61 cm or  24-inch-tall Vechur cow in India who is the current Guinness World Record holder. She's also quite the lightweight, at just 57 pounds (26 kilograms).

Bhutanese cows, like Vechur cows, are typically referred to as dwarf cows, as individuals of these breeds are bred to be small. Dwarf cow breeds are often produced for their ability to produce large amounts of milk without requiring much food

Sajedul Islam, the Bangladeshi government's chief veterinarian for the region including Charigram, that Rani is a product of "genetic inbreeding" and was unlikely to become any bigger.

Yes, this cow tells us that animals follow the Genesis principle of according to their kinds. A cow always produces a cow, not a horse.


Duke, Cameron, 2021. This 20-inch-tall cow may be the smallest on Earth Live Science 14 July. 

Tuesday, 13 July 2021

Gideon in ancient Jewish pottery


Image courtesy of the Israeli Antiquities Authority. 

Joel Kontinen

Time and again, archaeology has confirmed that the Bible describes ancient history and culture accurately.

We now have 
archaeological evidence for the United Monarchy of David and Solomon and biblically sound dates for the Gihon Tower in Jerusalem, for instance.

The Bible recounts 
real eventsreal people and even real catastrophes, such as earthquakes.

Now, Israeli scientist have discovered Gideon or his  lesser name Jerubbaal. he is best known for defeating a Midiate army in the book of Judges.

The shard was found in Khirbat er-Ra’i, near Kiryat Gat, inside a storage pit that was dug into the ground and lined with stones. According to the IAA, the shard dates from around 1,100 BCE, making it approximately 3,100 years old.


Biblical-era pottery inscribed with name from Book of Judges found in Israel World Israel News 12 July.

Saturday, 10 July 2021

What is consciousness, according to some evolutionists

Courtesy of Victor de Schwanberg/Science Photo Library, 

Joel Kontinen

Thinking is a hard problem for Darwinists. They seem to believe thIngs that all our moves must to tagged to actions.  

Some evolutionists believe that a quantum collapse in the brain gives rise to consciousness and that consciousness creates the reality we see from the quantum world.

Is they believe that if physics explains all the phenomena in the universe, and if consciousness is part of the universe, then is seems that physics can explain consciousness.

This assumes that consciousness isn’t separate from the material reality that physics explains – which runs counter to René Descartes’s dualist view of mind and matter.


Ananthaswamy, Anil. 2021.  Can physics explain consciousness and does it create reality? New Scientist  7 July. 

Friday, 9 July 2021

Secular Scientist See Methane On Saturn’s Moon Enceladus


Image courtesy of  NASA/JPL-Caltech. 

Joel Kontinen

Secular scientist would want to see evolution in our solar system

The methane wafting from Enceladus may be a sign that life teems in the Saturn moon's subsurface sea, a new study reports.


However, there are other possible explanations as well. Jlthough it speaks of creation.


in the new study, Cassini spotted many other compounds as well — for example, dihydrogen (H2) and a variety of carbon-containing organic compounds, including methane (CH4).,

But methane dos not include life.. 


WalL, Mike, 2021.   Methane wafting from 'tiger stripes' on Saturn moon could be sign of alien life, study suggests Live Science 8 July. 


Wednesday, 7 July 2021

The truth about Silwan

Microbes that feast on crushed rocks thrive in Antarctica's ice-covered lakes


 Image courtesy of  John Priscu/University of Bristol.

Joel Kontinen


Microbes living in an  ice-covered lake in Antarctica are feasting on crushed rocks.  They are driving.

 According to evolutionists, this spells well for the search for life, This means extraterrestrial life that may be  . Underground lakes and frozen oceans are thought to be common in the universe, even in our own solar system.which was created by God  


Baker, Harry, 2021. Microbes that feast on crushed rocks thrive in Antarctica's ice-covered lakes Live Science 6 July.