Thursday, 9 February 2012
Evolution Sunday: Darwin Goes to Church
Many churches will soon welcome Darwin’s thoughts. Image courtesy of Wikipedia.
Joel Kontinen
Charles Darwin’s birthday is just around the corner – next Sunday, February 12th, to be more specific, and atheists are already getting religion.
But it’s not the Christian religion although the “good news” might be preached in hundreds of churches.
In the beginning – six years ago, that is – some atheists, not satisfied with the low popularity ratings of Darwin and Darwinism, decided to get some support from churches. This year, The Clergy Letter Project, as their project is called, once again attempts to get more churches to welcome Darwin into their pews.
The Darwinians want the churches to preach about evolution.
The problem with Darwinian evolution is that it is diametrically opposed to Christianity that is based on an all-powerful Creator God. There is no need to welcome extra-biblical ideologies into any Christian church.
Charles Darwin,
theistic evolution