Saturday 10 November 2018

Why Did Our Forefathers Start Painting Similar Structures at The Same Time?

The drawing looks a bit like this. Lhfage, CC0.

Joel Kontinen

Nature has published a study on ancient drawings in Indonesia. This discovery, a 40,000- years old rendering of arts and hands, "indicates that figurative cave art … didn't begin in Europe as many scientists thought, but rather in Southeast Asia during the last ice age, the researchers said.”

This is an enigma for evolutionary scientists. How could drawings resemble so much those found in Europe and elsewhere?

This happens on three occasions:

Evolution happens in places in which it was not supposed to happen. In this instance, man gained the art to describe animals some “52,000 and 40,000 years ago, includes hand stencils and reddish-orange ochre-drawn animals.”

Then, 20,00 years go past and the artists “favored a dark mulberry-purple color and painted hand stencils, abstract signs and human-like figures wearing elaborate headdresses and engaging in various activities, such as hunting or ritualistic dancing, the researchers said.

Next, “humanlike figures, boats and geometric designs that were mostly drawn with black pigments, the researchers said” were made 4,000 years ago.

However, the artists were still living in caves 20,000 years ago. Actually, scientist have overestimated the time man was thought to have developed.

We might contrast this to what the Bible has to say about humans, At the beginning, they built cities and in the sixth generation a man rose, who “was the father of all who play stringed instruments,” and his brother “forged all kinds of tools out of bronze and iron.” ( Genesis i4:21–22, New International Version).


Geggel, Laura. 2018. World's Oldest Animal Drawing, Discovered in Borneo Cave, Is a Weird. Cow Beast. Live Science (7 November)