Saturday, 21 January 2012

Genesis: Still a Huge Problem for Naturalistic Origins Theories

Gustave Doré (1832–1883): Creation of Light. Image courtesy of Wikipedia.

Joel Kontinen

Recently, the titles of two articles in New Scientist magazine illustrated the current state of origins theories: The Genesis problem and Why physicists can't avoid a creation event.

How do you get a universe, complete with the laws of physics, out of nothing?” the magazine asks. The text is surprisingly honest:

YOU could call them the worst birthday presents ever. At the meeting of minds convened last week to honour Stephen Hawking's 70th birthday - loftily titled 'State of the Universe' - two bold proposals posed serious threats to our existing understanding of the cosmos.”

These proposals state that the universe must have had a beginning, when it came into being out of nothing. While they equate this creation event with the Big Bang, the Genesis 1:1 description – “in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" – is an even more credible explanation of the origin of everything.


Grossman, Lisa. 2012. Why physicists can't avoid a creation event. New Scientist 2847, 6-7.

The Genesis problem. New Scientist 2847, 3. (13 January 2012).