Monday, 25 September 2023

Climate change says when spiders evolved


Image courtesy of Michael Frese. 

Joel Kontinen

 According to evolution, climate change had a say in which spiders eveloved, They say that “harsh new conditions as Australia began to cool and became much drier.”

They found two fossils. "The two fossils date back to the middle of the Miocene Epoch, between 11and 16 million years ago, when spiders were making exciting evolutionary leaps, says Michael Frese at the University of Canberra, Australia, who helped to analyse both specimens." 


Vigil,  Ashley Balzer, 2023, Exquisite spider fossils from Australia offer clues to their evolution, New Scientist 21 September,  


Saturday, 23 September 2023

Jellyfish can learn without a brain


Image courtesy of Jan Bielecki. 

Joel Kontinen 

“Caribbean box (Tripedalia cystophora) jellyfish can learn from experience, even though they lack a central brain.”

Researchers thought that the jellyfish was one of the simplest kinds of animals, so this discovery sheds new light into the so-called evolution of learning, 

Here the researchers  “ used grey stripes, rather than black, so that the “roots” would look further away than they were – an optical illusion that initially caused the jellyfish to bump into the tank walls. But after a seven-and-a-half-minute session in the striped tank, each of the 12 jellyfish they tested began pivoting to avoid the walls, suggesting they learned from the collisions and changed their behaviour accordingly. By the end of the experiment, the jellies had cut their crashes in half and quadrupled their successful swerves.”


Wetzel,  Corryn. 2023,.  Jellyfish can learn from experience even though they lack a brain. , New Scientist 22 September,

Thursday, 21 September 2023

Genesiksen mukaan avaruus ja sen tähdet ja planeetat ovat täynnä vettä,

Kuva; NASA, ESA, and A. Parker

Joel Kontinen 

Eris ja Makemake saattavat piilottaa odottamattomia nestemäisen veden valtameriä.

Kääpiöplaneettojen ei odoteta kuljettavan nestemäistä vettä, mutta vihjeet yllättävästä geologisesta aktiivisuudesta, jotka havaittiin JWST:n avulla, viittaavat siihen, että jotkut niistä ovat saattaneet haudata pintansa alle valtameriä.

Ulkoisen aurinkokunnan jäisillä kivillä saattaa olla odottamattomia maanalaisia valtameriä. Eris ja Makemake ovat molemmat kääpiöplaneettoja Kuiperin vyöhykkeellä – aurinkokuntaamme Neptunuksen kiertoradan ulkopuolella sitä ympäröivässä jäätyneiden kohteiden renkaassa – ja James Webbin avaruusteleskoopin (JWST) uudet havainnot viittaavat siihen, että näiden pienten maailmojen pintojen alla voi olla odottamatonta toimintaa. Kuiper-vyön objekteja tai KBO:ita pidetään yleensä samankaltaisina kuin suuria, passiivisia komeettoja, jotka säilyttävät turmeltumattoman jään, joka muodostui varhaisessa aurinkokunnassa.

Mutta Genesiksen mukaan avaruus ja sen tähdet ja planeetat ovat täynnä vettä, 


Cave paintings In spain proof that man was artistic in live

Image courtesy of: A Ruiz-Redondo/V Barciela/X Martorell. 

Joel Kontinen

“Archaeologists have discovered more than 110 prehistoric cave paintings and engravings dating to at least 24,000 years ago near Valencia, Spain.”

Ancient men were not idiots, They used their God given talents to surprise us. The book of Genesis says that they were very artistic in live. 


Geggel, Laura, 2023, Paleolithic 'art sanctuary' in Spain contains more than 110 prehistoric cave paintings Live Science 18 September.

Wednesday, 20 September 2023

According to evolution, the giant asteroid that took away the dinosaurs left flowering plans alive

Image courtesy of photokai/Shutterstock

Joel Kontinen

According to evolution and its time scale, the giant asteroid that took out the dinosaurs in at the end of the Cretaceous period in 66 million years ago, did not wibe away the many species of flowering plants.

But some of them did succeed.


Pester,  Patrick, 2023,  Asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs allowed flowers to thrive in a post-apocalyptic world Live Science 18 September. 


Monday, 18 September 2023

A comet will brighten our skies

Image courtesy of SomeAstroStuff, CC BY SA 4,0. .

Joel Kontinen  

The comet called C/2023 P1 (Nishimura), will brighten our skies ithis week. and the following weeks,  

Comet Nishimura is swinging past on its first visit in more than 400 years. Japanese astronomer Hideo Nishimura discovered the comet on August 12.

A newly discovered comet that is approaching Earth may have as its origin from outside the solar system.

That is what evolutionists  suppose, as they have a  source of comets just outside the solar system, in theo Oort cloud, which may also be the origen to this comet. 


Horner,   Space, comAre we about to see a rare green comet light up the sky? An expert explains what to expect from Comet Nishimura,  16 Septemberr.   


CC BY-SA 4.0

Saturday, 16 September 2023

Researxhera have detexted signs of alien life on an exoplanet

Image courtesy of  NASA, CSA, ESA, J. Olmsted (STScI), 

 Joel Kontinen

NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has detected potential traces of dimethyl sulfide, a chemical only known to be created by phytoplankton on Earth, “

This took place in the atmosphere of an exoplanet that is thought to have an liquid ocean,

The exoplanet, K2-18 b, is a “sub-Neptune planet (between the size of Earth and Neptune) that orbits in the habitable zone around a red dwarf star roughly 120 light-years “ from us.

Researtcers are not sure if the exoplanet has life, They have discovered "dimethyl sulfide (DMS), a foul-smelling chemical that is only known to be produced by microscopic life in Earth's oceans. “ 

But that does not mean life, 


Baker , Harry, 2923. ,  James Webb telescope sees potential signs of alien life in the atmosphere of a distant 'Goldilocks' water world Live Science 16 September 

Thursday, 14 September 2023

Novak Djokovic is clearly the number one tennis player


Image courtesy of Peter Menzel, 
CC- BY -S. By Ge Sa  2.0.  

Joel Kontinen 

Novak Djokovic has just won the U.S. Open,  It was his 24th Grand Slam championship which makes him the greatest superstar of male tennis.

His refusal to take the experimental COVID-19 vaccine led to him being taken from Australia before the open there.

Djokovic is a devout Orthodox Christian. He is currently married with two children and is the world’s number one ranked tennis player, He says the children forced him to succeed.  

Source: Kokx, Stephen, 2023. Novak Djokovic wins record 24th Grand Slam, says his family inspired him. Life Site News 11 September.

Tuesday, 12 September 2023

Humans wore shoes a long time ago

 Image courtesy of Charles Helm. 

Joel Kontinen

Accotding to evolution, humans might have started to worn shoes and their cousins, the Neanderthals may also have worn footwear, 

This stems from "unusual preserved footprints in South Africa, which may have been made by people wearing sandals."

We already know that humans and Neanderthals where the chidren of Adam and Eve, so that wearing shoes was normal for them, 

The neanderthals ashowed the things that make us human, such as, symbolic arttool and weapon making, the use of fire, and burial ceremonies.  



 Marshall,  Michael, 2023, Ancient humans may have worn shoes more than 100,000 years ago , New Scientist 29 August, 

Sunday, 10 September 2023

Brown dwarf has a radiation belt,

mage courtesy oF NASA/JPL-Caltech, 

Joel Kontinen 

Planets with strong magnetic fields formed a radiation belt, due to their energy they trap above their equators

Now, this same penomenon that exists in the solar system, might also takre place in far away planets and their suns, . “Climent et al. Have observed a nearby brown dwarf using radio interferometry.” They believe that believe that a “radiation belt is present around the brown dwarf and constrains its properties. “ believe that a radiation belt is present around the brown dwarf and constrains its properties. 

Yes, brawn dwarfs were made by Godso that they display the same traits as plant near us, 


Smith,  Keith T, 2023,A radiation belt around a brown dwarf, Science 8 Seotember, 

Friday, 8 September 2023

Climate change guides scientist view of the world


Image courtesy of Simone Rotella. 

Joel Kontinen 

Some researchers think that the so.called Anthropocene definition says that it began long before 1956, “marked by plutonium isotopes from nuclear weapons fallout in the sediments of Crawford Lake in Canada.” 

They say that mankind took care of the planet way before the 1950s, so the decision to start at that time was fakse - and it is unscientific and harmful, as it only speaks of  planetary disruption cause by climate change, 


 Ellis. Erle C. 2023,The proposed Anthropocene definition is unscientific and harmful New Scientist 6 September

Wednesday, 6 September 2023

Dinosaurs tracks in Texas

Image courtesy of Friends of Dinosaur Valley State Park via Facebook, 

Joel Kontinen

Well preserved dinosaur tracks have been found in Texas, Scientist say that they are from  110million years old  Acrocanthosaurus, which lived  netween 145 million to 101 million years ago, 

So, the story is about millions of years whithout which ´ evolution would nort be ossible, 


Nalewick,  JJennifer, 2023, One of the longest dino tracks in the world revealed by drought in Texas state park, Live Science  1 September, 

Monday, 4 September 2023

Space has its own mysteries

Image courtesy of Bei You, 

Joel Kontinen 

When material falls toward a black hole, “it forms an accretion disk that emits x-rays and optical light and sometimes also a jet that is visible at radio wavelengths”.

Current theory says “if the disk contains a sufficiently strong magnetic field, then it can resist the gravitational pull of the black hole and temporarily halt the accretion process.”

Space has its odd features, and mysteries,  


 Smith,  Keith T. 2023,  Magnetic field halts accretion, Science 1 October.  


Saturday, 2 September 2023

What the Science article neglects Noah' 's flood

 Joel Kontinen

Here is what Science says about human evolution. “Today, there are more than 8 billion human beings on the planet. We dominate Earth’s landscapes, and our activities are driving large numbers of other species to extinction.

Had a researcher looked at the world sometime between 800,000 and 900,000 years ago, however, the picture would have been quite different. Hu et al. used a newly developed coalescent model to predict past human population sizes from more than 3000 present-day human genome). The model detected a reduction in the population size of our ancestors from about 100,000 to about 1000 individuals, which persisted for about 100,000 years. The decline appears to have coincided with both major climate change, "

Yes, that is what is missing in the study,  the major climate change brought about by the  ice age which was a consequence of the Flood of Noahs days,,  


Vignieri . Sacha. A close call, Science 31 August