Monday 18 September 2023

A comet will brighnet our skies

Image courtesy of SomeAstroStuff, CC BY SA 4,0. .

Joel Kontinen  

The comet called C/2023 P1 (Nishimura), will brighten our skies ithis week. and the following weeks,  

Comet Nishimura is swinging past on its first visit in more than 400 years. Japanese astronomer Hideo Nishimura discovered the comet on August 12.

A newly discovered comet that is approaching Earth may have as its origin from outside the solar system.

That is what evolutionists  suppose, as they have a  source of comets just outside the solar system, in theo Oort cloud, which may also be the origen to this comet. 


Horner,   Space, comAre we about to see a rare green comet light up the sky? An expert explains what to expect from Comet Nishimura,  16 Septemberr.   


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