Monday, 31 October 2022

Asteroid will zip past Earth on November l

 Image courtesy of Shutterstock, 

Joel Kontinen 

NASA scientist have seen an asteroid that is "potentially hazardous".iit is to rush past earth just in time for Halloween,

It is called 2022 RM4 and it is almost as tall as the world’s tallest building in Burj Khalifa in Dubai and has a diameter of 330 and 740 meters or 1,083 and 2,428 feet

 The asteroid will come to within 2.3 million kilometres   or 2.3 million miles  on November 1. this distance is six times the average distance between Earth and the moon


Turner,  Ben , 2022,  A monstrously large, 'potentially hazardous' asteroid will zip through Earth's orbit on Halloween Live Science 28 October, ,

Saturday, 29 October 2022

How giant whales came from a tiny grandfather

Image courtesy of Terry Howard, CC BY-SA 3.0). .

Joel Kontinen 

 Evolution answers the question of how the giant whales and the tiny bumblebee bat could come from the same forefathers.

 As science puts it, how mammals ”evolved this level of variation has been a persistent question, with much debate being focused  around the timing and tempo of evolutionary change.” 

So, they do not know the answer, but they speculate that certain lifestyles led to faster change,


Vignieri, Sacha 2022, Becoming diverse, Science 28 October,

Thursday, 27 October 2022

Overpopulation kills animals

Image courtesy of GerardM, CC BY-SA 3.0.

Joel Kontinen

Death plays a. great role in the evolution of animals. Without it, many animals would not be here in this world. Now ecologists have reported to overpopulation in the Netherlands in the area east of Amsterdam.

It is called the Dutch Serengeti because of the profusion of large herbivores that graze there.  But without predators, the animals tend to be kills off.


Spinney Laura, 2022. The surprising role death plays in the stability of ecosystems, New Scientist, 18 October.

Tuesday, 25 October 2022

Wet planets do not mean the origin of live

 Image courtesy of Luongdoo.

Joel Kontinen   

How many wet planets are there? When God created the universe, the heavens were filled with wet planets. Yes, that is what Genesis 1: 6-7 tells us.

Now astronomers think that planets covered in water could be relatively common in our universe, they hope to find live, but that is a difficult matter, as live has to be created and Darwinian processes can never create live, 


Feehly, Conor. 2022, The hunt for habitable ocean worlds beyond our solar system.  New Scientist 24 October.  

Sunday, 23 October 2022

Hayabusa 2 has brought back gases from an asteroid for the first time


Image courtesy of JAXA, University of Tokyo & collaborators. 

Joel Kontinen


Darwinists suppose that Japan’s Hayabusa 2 spacecraft will reveal the asteroid’s history and may help them reconstruct the evolution of the solar system. it may help them know how and where the asteroid – and other objects in thesolar system – formed.

Here is how new scientist explains how it was formed:

“Ryugu was most likely formed toward the edges of our solar system before the migration of the giant planets flung it towards Earth. A new analysis of the iron in the samples shows that it may have come from even further out than researchers realised, near Uranus and Neptune, so these samples may help illuminate the history of the outer solar system.”

Source :

Crane,  Leah. 2022. Hayabusa 2 has brought back gases from an asteroid for the first time.  New Scientist. 20 October

Friday, 21 October 2022

Tuna' s attitude reminds us of Genisis 1


Image courtesy of Christopher D. H. Thompson.

Joel Kontinen 

At times, the pages of Genesis1 comes to mind. The latest discovery is the behaviour of tunas that like to rid themselves of irritating parasites.

 They tend to find sharks to do the job.  “Scraped sharks appeared unbothered by the activity. “I was kind of surprised at how nonchalant the sharks were,’ says Chris Thompson.”

We have also heard a cat on an Irish farm that adopted ducklings.

This reminds us of 
Eden, when bad things had not yet happenedThorns did not grow, and death did not reign in the animal kingdom. Small creatures did not fear big ones or even humans.

Sourc : 

Wetzel, Corryn. 2022. Tuna use sharks as back scratchers despite risk of being eaten. New Scientist 19 October

Wednesday, 19 October 2022

The asteroid quake at Yucatan triggered 'mega-earthquake'


Image curtesy of NASA.  

Joel Kontinen  

The massive asteroid impact that killed the dinosaurs also triggered mega-earthquakes that lasted months. 

According to evolution, roughly 66 million years ago, an asteroid approximately 10 kilometres or 6.2 miles across smashed into Earth near the Yucatan Peninsula, plunging the planet into darkness and causing a mass extinction that wiped out 80% of animal life — including all the non-avian dinosaurs except some who did not, for instance theTuatara  (Sphendon punctatus) that still lives in New Zealand.

The tremendous mega-quake caused by the collision  left its mark in rocks around the Gulf of Mexico, according to new research presented Sunday (Oct. 9) at the annual meeting of the Geological Society of America (GSA).

Some of these twisted and rumpled layers also hold evidence of pollen — a sign that vegetation began to recover at least six months after the impact.  The fact that these layers are deformed even as plants were making a comeback shows that the quakes triggered by the impact lasted months. 

However, scientists have discovered an ancient lakebed buried under more than 1,5 kilometres or a mile of ice that may hold secrets to Greenland's past climate or its ice-free past – that is, the global flood of Noah's flood or 4 500 years ago. and the petrified forests of antartica also speak of Noah's Flood. 


Pappas ,Stephanie, 2022,  Dino-killing asteroid triggered 'mega-earthquake' that rocked the planet for months.  Live Science 14 October. 

Monday, 17 October 2022

Giant bony fish discovered


Image courtesy of

Joel Kontinen


God made them all, Including a southern sunfish (Mola alexandrini) that weights  at 2744 kilograms. The fish, founded by José Nuno Gomes-Pereira at the Atlantic Naturalist Association in Portugal and his colleagues off the coast of Faial Island in the Azores.


While the fish is not the biggest one, for example the whale shark (Rhincodon typus) which can weigh more than 20 tonnes. 


Wilkins, Alex, 2022. World's heaviest bony fish weighs in at a whopping 2744 kilograms New Scientist 14 October.  

Saturday, 15 October 2022

The fruit flys vision is "Evolutionary conserved"


Image courtesy of Sarah L. Martin, Public Domain. 

Joel Kontinen

The Drosophila eye is a model system for phototransduction which means that light is detected to yield nerve impulses in the rod cells in the rod cells and cone cells in the retina of the eye in humans and other vertebrates.

Darwinists think that this process is evolutionarily conserved so that it has not changed in the millions of years of Darwinian processes

Sourc :

Wong,  Wei. 2022. Endocannabinoids light the way. Science 14 October. 

Thursday, 13 October 2022

Cave carnivore evolved much faster than Darvinists thought

An artist’s impression of the cat-like Pangurban egiae. 

Joel Kontinen

 An artist’s impression of the cat-like Pangurban egiae,   According to evolution, its advanced features suggest these animals evolved rapidly. 

 The fossil of a cat-like mammal that lived between 37 and 40 million years ago has revealed that a group of sabre-toothed carnivores, the nimravids, evolved into diverse species much earlier than thought.

Evolutionists think that the animals with sabre-like teeth have arisen over and over again during the past 66 million years, but the nimravids werr amongst the more fearful


Black, Riley, 2022. Cat-like sabre-toothed carnivore evolved faster than we thought New Scientist 12 October


Tuesday, 11 October 2022

Eating all the time makes us sick


Image courtesy of Shutterstock/Tatiana Bralnina


Joel Kontinen

New Scientist states that even healthy snacks could be causing hidden damage to your body. In a leader, they say that the Romans ate one main meal a day and the modern propensity for snacking was considered gluttony.

We could be munching our way to an early grave.

A modern way to keep calories at bay is to engage in time restricting eating, in which we only aet for a few hours that the rest is freedom for our stomachs. We could only skip meals that are branded as snacks and eat only real food. an example to time restricting eating would be to have all your food for the day in an 8-hour period, such as from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Even healthy snacks could be causing hidden damage to your body. New ScientIst  5 October

Sunday, 9 October 2022

Lava erupting on Jupiter’s volcanic moon, Io, is over 1000°C


Image courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/AS​I/INAF/JIRAM/. 

Joel Kontinen

If the solar system is 4. 6 billion years old, how can the following statement be true?

A new estimate made using radio telescopes put the lava that is erupting on lava erupting on Jupiter’s volcanic moon Io is over 1000°C.

Erin Redwing at the University of California, Berkeley, and her colleagues analysed observations of Io’s atmosphere made using the Atacama Large Millimetre/Submillimetre Array (ALMA) – a collection of radio telescopes operated by the European Southern Observatory within Chile’s Atacama desert.”

This study “focused on sodium chloride and potassium chloride gases that are thought to be belching from Io. ”

Io’s volcanoes are active and surprisingly violent, suggesting that they could not have been spouting lava for millions of years.


Gater, Will. 2022, Lava erupting on Jupiter’s volcanic moon Io is over 1000°C.  New Scientist 6 October.

Friday, 7 October 2022

Scientists found an asteroid that is closer to the sun than others

Image courtesy of  2021 Elena11/Shutterstock. 

 Joel Kontinen


No asteroid has even been discovered this close to the sun. However, now astronomers have found an asteroid that gets to within 20 million kilometres of it. 

They have also found two asteroids as part of a hunt for rocks that are closer to the sun than Earth and may sometime hit the Earth


Crane, Leah. 2022. Astronomers found a weird asteroid closer to the sun than any other. New Scientist 5 October.