Thursday 4 October 2018

Frank Foley – British Spy Risked His Life to Save Over 10,000 Jews From Nazi Camps

UK government, public domain.

Joel Kontinen

Frank Foley, (1884–1958) British spy, who was positioned in Berlin in the 1930s, got to know about the concentration camps that were being built. He was an spy, a bit pauchny, wearing horm--rimmed glasses. Not at all like James Bond.

He fought to get Jewish liberated and sent to Israel. After breaking some rules, he got 10,090 Jews to leave Germany.

Here’s what the British press tells about him:

“i>When the rules insisted on £1,000 for a Palestine visa – a huge sum, especially for Jews with bank accounts frozen by the Nazis – Foley would accept payments of £10 on the grounds that £990 would somehow magically appear once the refugee disembarked in the port of Haifa.

When people said they had no money at all, he would gently hint that maybe someone could write them a letter promising them £1,000 …

In late August, days before war broke out, Foley left the Berlin passport office for the last time, but not before he had summoned someone to collect visas for 80 young Jews.

Even after Foley left Germany, Jews were still escaping on papers signed by him. The last group, 300 men, got out on August 28 1939, four days before Hitler’s invasion of Poland started the Second World War.”


Lusher, Adam, 2018.Frank Foley: The mild-mannered nered British spy who defied Hitler and saved 10,000 Jews from the Nazis Independent (18 September)