Monday, 28 March 2011

Organic Compounds in the Skin of a “50 Million” Year Old Reptile

Dakota, a ”67 million year old” Edmontosaurus, is known for its exceptionally well-preserved skin. Image courtesy of Flikr/ Wikipedia. Recently, researchers found even better preserved fossilised skin.

Joel Kontinen

When a fossilised reptile is assumed to be 50 million years old but its skin looks just like it was a living animal, researchers are faced with a huge Darwinian dilemma.

Recently, Roy Wogelius and Phil Manning at the University of Manchester, UK, published their research on an exceptionally well preserved reptile skin in the journal Royal Society Proceedings B: Biology.

The mapped distributions of organic compounds and trace metals in 50 million year old skin look so much like maps we've made of modern lizard skin as a check on our work, it is sometimes hard to tell which is the fossil and which is fresh," geochemist Roy Wogelius said, as quoted in ScienceDaily.

However, since it is not acceptable to doubt the dogma of millions of years in the scientific community, the researchers are baffled with what their research shows them, i.e., even the distributions of organic compounds in the fossilised skin are practically indistinguishable from those of modern reptiles.

Doctors Wogelius and Manning looked at the skin of an exceptionally well preserved reptile found in Utah with infrared technology at the University of Manchester and discovered amides on its skin.

The list of exceptionally well preserved soft tissues and compounds that should not last for millions of years is getting longer all the time.

This amazing preservation hardly lends support for Darwinian evolution.


First Image of Protein Residue in 50-Million-Year-Old Reptile Skin. ScienceDaily 23 March 2011.