Saturday, 12 June 2010
The newest monkey fable: Human ancestors began walking on two feet to stay cool
Left behind? Just-so stories and monkey fables thrive in scientific publications.
Joel Kontinen
Darwinists know that staying cool is not a passing fad. Fond of just-so stories that they can use to explain anything, they often appeal to their imagination to make sense of the past.
In the newest version, Benjamin Passey, an associate professor at Johns Hopkins University, and colleagues explain why human ancestors began to walk on two feet.
In a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), Passey and colleagues examined the climate of the Turkana area in northern Kenya. They looked at the distribution of C-13-O-18 bonds in paleosol carbonates and concluded that the area had to be hot for millions of years.
Then the researchers gave free rein to their imagination: They suggested that by beginning to walk on two feet and getting rid of their fur, human ancestors were better able to cope in the hot climate.
The monkeys, camels and lions of the Turkana area did not understand how useful the trick was and they still have to walk fully furred on all fours.
Some like it hot: Site of human evolution was scorching. Physorg. 8 June 2010.
just-so stories