Wednesday 23 March 2022

Convergent evolution cannot save the grasshopper


Image courtesy of Fritz Geller-Grimm CC BY-SA 2. 5, 

Joel Kontinen

What do grasshoppers eat? Scientists have discovered that they have similarities between their teeth and mammalian teeth, ,

As Chris Stockey, the leader of  anew study, puts it;  “mouthparts of mammals and grasshoppers have evolved independently for 400 million years, and were not present in their common ancestor.”


This brings us down to convergent evolution, if species that don’t resemble each other, some scientist might take a strait that looks like the other as  convergent evolution.

Actually, the convergent in evolution means there is no evolution at all




What do grasshoppers eat? It’s not just grass! New Leicester research shows similarities with mammal teeth like never before University of Leicester, 16 March.