Thursday 10 March 2022

Elephant seals know how to navigate home


Image courtesy of Dan Costa

Joel Kontinen

Many animals have the courage to find their way home. now scientist have seen that they have mental maps for returning home This was initially found in birds, and then in  other species,

They seemed to know on “how far away they are – displaying an impressive sense of geography.”.

Research in Current Biology tells us that the Elephant  seals “between 2004 and 2015, Roxanne Beltran at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and her colleagues tagged and tracked 108 adult female elephant seals that bred on a beach. Once pregnant, female elephant seals leave their breeding beaches and migrate into the north-east Pacific Ocean to search for food. They spend around 240 days at sea and travel roughly 10,000 kilometres before returning to their breeding beaches to give birth..”.

This shows that the animals have a hidden source of intelligent design that cannot be brought by evolution, only the one created them could do the trick,


eLy ,Chen. 2022.  Elephant seals seem to have precise mental maps for navigating home New Scientist 28 February.