Sunday, 19 April 2015

Beauty in Colours Defies Naturalistic Explanations

It is not always easy to deny that our planet can be a beautiful place.

Joel Kontinen

In a purely naturalistic /materialistic world, beauty is an enigma. It seems to serve no survival purpose. Why would natural selection prefer bright colours to dull ones?

But there’s more. The natural world looks as thought it was designed by a highly skilled artist who knew what he was doing. Indeed, Scripture says: “He has made everything beautiful in its time” (Ecclesiastes 3:11, NIV).

Scientists are beginning to understand that colours and beauty are intentional. In addition to providing aesthetical pleasure for us, they might even serve a more mundane purpose:

The beautiful color of a sunset might be more than just a pretty picture. It could be a signal to our bodies that it’s time to reset our internal clock, the biological ticktock that governs everything from sleep patterns to digestion. That’s the implication of a new study in mice that shows these small rodents use light’s changing color to set their own clocks, a finding that researchers expect will hold for humans, too.


Cesare, Chris. 2015. Colors help set body’s internal clock. Science (17 April).