Tuesday 4 February 2014

Molecular Clocks Conflict with Fossils

A treeshrew. Image courtesy of W. Djatmiko, Wikipedia. Evolutionists disagree on when creatures like this appeared.

Joel Kontinen

It is no secret that molecular clocks often if not always show a time that differs considerably from what rocks are supposed to show.

Molecular clocks are Darwinian inventions that rely on the assumed kinships between living beings. Fossils are rarely dated directly but their age is assumed from near-by rocks or other objects.

Needless to say, rocks are occasionally in conflict with clocks. A recent controversy has to do with the origin of placental mammals. Using the clock approach, evolutionists assumed that placentals arose between 88 million and 117 million years ago. However, last year Maureen O’Leary from Stony Brook University and colleagues used fossil evidence and concluded that placental mammals appeared only after the demise of the dinosaurs.

So, once again clocks are showing time that differs by at least 20 million years from the time shown by rocks.

But, then, evolution has always been characterised by inconsistencies, so there’s really nothing new under the sun.


Yong. Ed. 2014. Clocks Versus Rocks. The Scientist. (January 14).