Friday, 30 November 2012
The Bird’s Feather – Intelligently Designed for Flight
This one came down.
But this did not, until it was time to replace it.
Joel Kontinen
The bird’s feather is amazingly well designed. It is light and endurable. It will keep the bird in the air.
In contrast, the parts of an aeroplane look much less designed. And a bird is a much more efficient and reliable flier than a machine man has designed.
intelligent design
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Beware of the Gap Theory
Joel Kontinen
Some gaps are real. Some are not. In the 19th century, some theologians suggested that there was a huge gap – lasting millions of years - between Genesis 1 1 and 1::2. There was no real theological evidence for such a gap in the Bible.
The Old Testament clearly states that God created everything in six days.
gap theory,
millions of years
Tuesday, 27 November 2012
How Not to Make a Fossil – The Case of a Dead Frog
Joel Kontinen
A frog hit by a car does not fossilize easily in hot conditions. No matter how long we wait, the deceased froggie remains unfossilized.
What would be needed is exceptional circumstances, including a lot of water. Almost always when science publications report on the discovery of a fossil, they suggest that the animal died in a local flood.
But why local? The global flood in Noah’s days remains the best explanation for most (but not necessarily all) fossils.
Noah’s Flood
Sunday, 25 November 2012
Spiny Anteater – Problematic Creature for Evolutionists
Joel Kontinen
It is a mammal but it lays eggs. The spiny anteater is a monotreme, just like the platypus. It is obviously not about to evolve into a bird nor has it evolved from a bird.
Monotremes or egg-laying mammals are difficult to place in a Darwinian tree of life as they seem to be mosaics that do not belong anywhere.
They speak of the creativity of the Creator.
Friday, 23 November 2012
Cross on a Hillside Speaks of Hope
Joel Kontinen
The cross is a powerful symbol, even if one sees it on an otherwise empty and barren hillside.
Magnetic island is a smallish island near Townsville, Queensland, Australia. At least in November, there are more birds than people on this island.
Barely visible from a road leading away from the ferry terminal, there is a huge white cross on the hillside. One will have to take a winding path to take a closer look but it will be worth the effort.
Built on a large bounder, the cross is huge. in its silent way, it speaks of hope.
Fortunately, this is Australia and not USA or Europe where ”free thinkers” feel depressed at the sight of a cross and lose their peace of mind that they then try to regain through lawsuits.
free thinkers
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
The Non-evolution of the Crocodile – A Hard Challenge for Darwinism
Joel Kontinen
According to the Darwinian story, crocodiles were crocodiles when the early dinosaurs appeared. Their non-evolution has naturally given rise to inventive excuses for why crocodiles were so well adapted to their environment that they have not needed to change for over “200 million years”.
Like all other living fossils, crocodiles are a hard challenge to a worldview that is often (incorrectly) defined as change over time.
living fossils
Monday, 19 November 2012
Evolution: When Magic Became Science
Charles Darwin gave natural selection a function that it does not have. Image courtesy of Wikipedia.
Joel Kontinen
In real life nothing comes from nothing and no organisms will adapt to their environment by chance. Typing errors (mutations) do not improve a text and nature cannot really be able to choose from existing mistakes or anticipate future evolution since the watchmaker that Dawkins and co. put their trust in is blind.
In other words, evolution is impossible.
Charles Darwin wanted to give nature a function that in real life only God has ever had.
Thus, when a science writer says that natural selection caused x (for instance a cave crab to lose its eyesight), he (or she) is relying on magical thinking because Darwinists cannot allow a Divine foot in the door).
(Losing a function would not be of much help, because evolution would need immense amounts of new genetic information. This has never been observed.)
Saturday, 17 November 2012
A Fresh Reminder of Eden in the Bird Kingdom in Australia
Joel Kontinen
Birds in Queensland, Australia, can be quite noisy at times, especially in the evenings. However, at least some seabirds are surprisingly tame. In Brisbane, for instance, a big bird can suddenly land on a stretch of street reserved for pedestrians and start walking among humans.
Some seabirds can be very inquisitive. Yesterday, two big birds marched towards our verandah with their pencil-thin legs. For five minutes they kept on staring at us, without moving or giving any indication of fear or aggression. Finally, they calmly walked away.
These birds remind us of the Garden of Eden before the Fall. Adam was not afraid of the animals and the animals were not afraid of Adam. The only things about the non-predatory birds of Queensland that remind us of the Fall are the shrill calls at night. Otherwise one might almost imagine being in Eden – if only the weather were a bit cooler.
However, there are occasional reminders of the Fall, with eagles and other predators.
Thursday, 15 November 2012
Scientific Evidence for a Young Earth
Answers magazine presents compelling evidence for a young earth.
Joel Kontinen
Many people assume that the millions and billions of years that we hear about in natural history museums and read about in science text books are scientific facts.
However, there is no shortage of scientific discoveries that suggest a much younger planet.
The latest issue of Answers magazine includes a section on evidence for a young earth. Several PhD scientists present facts that refute the dogma of an old earth.
The magazine lists the ten best evidences for a young earth. They are:
1) Very little sediment on the seafloor
2) Bent rock layers
3) Soft tissue in fossils
4) Faint sun paradox
5) Rapidly decaying magnetic field
6) Helium in radioactive rocks
7) Carbon-14 in fossils, coal, and diamonds
8) Short-lived comets
9) Very little salt in the sea
10) DNA in “ancient” bacteria
10 Best evidences from science that confirm a young earth. Answers 7:4, 44-57.
millions of years
Monday, 12 November 2012
Trilobite Eye Speaks of Intelligent Design
Image courtesy of Moussa Direct Ltd, Wikipedia.
Joel Kontinen
According to evolutionary thinking, trilobites are among the earliest of animals. However, the eyes of trilobites assumed to be 520 million years old are extremely sophisticated and hi-tech. Some trilobites even saw their world in three dimensions.
Evolutionists assume that eyes evolved from patches on the skin that were sensitive to light, However, fossils speak of an entirely different language – the finest eyes were the earliest ones.
Wise, Kurt. 2012. Trilobite eyes – ultimate optics. Answers 7:4, 26-27.
millions of years
Thursday, 8 November 2012
The Goldilocks Planet
Image courtesy of NASA.
Joel Kontinen
In many ways, Earth is a very special planet. It orbits the Sun at just the right distance. It’s not too hot or too cold. Everything is just right for life.
ICR’s latest That a Fact video discusses the uniqueness of planet Earth.
habitable zone
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
Mutations Cannot Cause Darwinian Evolution – They Arise Too Slowly
Joel Kontinen
Humans differ from chimpanzees in so many ways that Darwinian evolution will always be unable to turn an apelike creature into a human being.
This kind of change would simply need too many co-ordinated mutations. Evolutionists believe that the common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees lived six million years ago. As Dr. Ann Gauger, a Senior Research Scientist at Biologic Institute, explains in this brief video, even this time is far too short to turn an apelike creature into a human being. Even the assumed age of the universe would not be enough.
In other words, Darwinian evolution is impossible.
Sunday, 4 November 2012
Dinosaurs in the Bible?
Joel Kontinen
What does the Bible say about dinosaurs? While the word dinosaur was not coined until the 19th century, there are some interesting hints in the Old Testament.
The Book of describes a huge land animal called behemoth:
“Look now at the behemoth, which I made along with you; He eats grass like an ox.
See now, his strength is in his hips, And his power is in his stomach muscles.
He moves his tail like a cedar; The sinews of his thighs are tightly knit.
His bones are like beams of bronze, His ribs like bars of iron.
He is the first of the ways of God; Only He who made him can bring near His sword.” (Job 40:15-19).
The description fits that of a huge sauropodian dinosaur.
Friday, 2 November 2012
Cavemen Were Surprisingly Smart
Reconstruction of a Neanderthal girl. Image courtesy of Christopher P.E. Zollikofer, Anthropological Institute, University of Zurich, via Wikipedia.
Joel Kontinen
Sophisticated is not the first adjective that comes to mind when thinking about Neanderthal men. Yet that is exactly what Nature news suggests they were like.
A paper recently published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggests that Neanderthals imitated H. sapiens. Jean-Jacques Hublin of Max Planck Institute and colleagues report on fossils and ornaments found in the Grotte du Renne cave in central France.
Reporting on the discovery, Nature news suggests that the artefacts Neanderthals made are so complex that similar objects are often attributed to modern humans.
This is just one of the many discoveries (read more here, here and here) that show that Neanderthals were fully human. According to the biblical model, they were descendants of Noah. They mostly lived in Europe during the ice age following the Genesis Flood.
Switek, Brian. 2012. Neanderthals smart enough to copy humans: Radiocarbon dates hint that human sister species was more sophisticated than previously thought. Nature News (30 October).
Neanderthal man
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