Saturday 2 June 2012

“Jurassic Ink” – Identical to Modern Squid Ink

Image of a modern-day squid courtesy of Hans Hillewaert, Wikipedia.

Joel Kontinen

Proponents of Darwinian evolution often define evolution as change over time. There are, of course, several other definitions, but without change evolution would be in deep trouble.

It often is. Recently, research published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on ink assumed to hail from the Jurassic Era added to the long list of evolutionary stasis or no change.

According to,

An ink sac from a 160-million-year-old giant cephalopod fossil contains the pigment melanin; it is essentially identical to the melanin found in the ink sac of a modern-day cuttlefish.”

It would be fair to say that living fossils and a general lack of gradual Darwinian changes are big problems for evolution.


Squid ink from Jurassic period identical to modern squid ink, study shows. May 21, 2012.