Saturday 9 June 2012

New Darwinian Story: Our Jaw Differs From a Chimpanzee’s Jaw Because Our Ancestors Ceased Biting Their Enemies

New Scientist reveals why our jaw differs from a chimpanzee's jaw. Image courtesy of Wikipedia.

Joel Kontinen

Darwinian just-so stories are seldom if ever dull. 'Inventive' might be the word that best characterises them.

This week’s issue of New Scientist magazine features a series on lucky accidents that supposedly made us human. In its most orthodox variety, Darwinism has to rely on accidents, as it does not tolerate the existence of a Designer. Thus, mutations and natural selection ran the show.

Some of the explanations of how we became human are somewhat more absurd than the others. For instance: our jaw differs from that of a chimpanzee because our ancestors ceased using it as a weapon. In other words, they stopped biting their enemies.

Compared to such fact-free storytelling, the Genesis model sounds very rational, with no need for outlandish explanations.


Wilson, Clare. 2012. Lucky accidents of human evolution: Jaw dropper. New Scientist 2868, 36.