Monday, 20 November 2023

Evolutionists believe that Neandertals and Homo erectus were not people


Image curtesy of  cuEsteban De Armas

Joel Kontinen

“IN HIS poem The Conundrum of the Workshops, Rudyard Kipling imagined an early human pausing to admire a drawing he had scratched in the dirt, only to hear a voice whispering: “It’s pretty, but is it Art?”

Archaeologists know a bit about scratching in the dirt, and when their excavations reveal a beautiful ancient object, they find themselves asking the very same question. They are motivated by a desire to step inside the minds of our prehistoric ancestors. In many cases, they want to understand if and when ancient hominins began to create art.”

New Scientist believe that Neandertals and Homo erectus were not people even though creation science dues away with millions of years and says were descendants of Noah.



New Scientist. 2023.  How archaeologists can decide if prehistoric artefacts count as art

Friday, 17 November 2023

Mowing crabs?

Image courtesy of Dudarev Mikhail/Shutterstock

Crabs have evolved to migrate from the sea to land then back again multiple times over the last 100 million years, scientists have discovered. 

Evolutionist think that crabs (Gecarcoidea natalis) is a species of true crab that lives on land.  

True crabs are distinct from other crustaceans that have developed crab-like bodies.

They also found that on two or three occasions, crabs even went back to the sea from land.


Jake Buehler. 2023. Crabs evolved to live away from the ocean up to 17 different times. New Scientist  5 November.

Wednesday, 15 November 2023

Comets brought life on Earth


Image courtesy of Shutterstock/buradaki

Joel Kontinen 

Some evolutionists suppose that life could have been created in space, as the Earth does not fulfil all criteria.

 So a new of how  ingredients for life were brought to planets with close neighbours, they say that" the ingredients for life came to be on Earth, but a popular one is that comets smashed into the planet and deposited organic molecules here. However, comets tend to move through space at extreme speeds, and if they smash into a planet at upwards of about 20 kilometres per second, the possibility of those crucial compounds surviving the collision are low to nil.”

So They  say, H "In ideal circumstances, a slow collision would leave behind a sort of prebiotic soup called a comet pond inside the impact crater

 “ the ingredients for life came to be on Earth, but a popular one is that comets smashed into the planet and deposited organic molecules here. However, comets tend to move through space at extreme speeds, and if they smash into a planet at upwards of about 20 kilometres per second, the possibility of those crucial compounds surviving the collision are low to nil.”

This is puttng too much wishful thinking into the soup,  Onöy  Gud can create life,  


Leah Crane, 2023, Comets may bring ingredients for life most easily to clustered planets, New Scientist 15 November, 

Monday, 13 November 2023

Hunmminbirds can fly through tiny gaps


Image curtesy of Jerome Gawe.

Joel Kontinen

High-speed cameras have revealed how hummingbirds negotiate their way through tiny gaps while in flight, which happens much too quickly for the human eye to properly see. 

The findings could inform new techniques for flying robots.

Marc Badger at the University of California, Berkeley says that !Hummingbirds feed on nectar and have to fly through tiny gaps in cluttered foliage as they flit from flower to flower. 

“When a dominant male would come and chase an intruder away, that intruder would fly through a bush,” he says. “And it’s sort of like ‘wow, how are they doing that?’ It looks like it literally just teleported to the other side of the bush.”

Badger and colleagues constructed an enclosure with a portal between two compartments to study this behaviour in four Anna’s hummingbirds (Calypte anna), with wingspans of around 12 centimetres and a mass between 4 and 5 grams. A flower-shaped feeder provided a sip of sugar solution in the opposite compartment to the bird each time it flew through the gap, encouraging it back to the other side.

The researchers set up high-speed cameras recording at 500 frames a second to film the birds as they passed through, and a computer program tracked the position of each bird’s bill and wing tips. The gap between the compartments was gradually reduced until it was just 6 centimetres wide, or half the hummingbirds’ wingspan.”

Yes, humminbids have intelligently designed wings. 

Biomimicry is a science that brings out that what God has designed. And what he did,  He did very well.,  



Matthew Sparkes, 2023, Hummingbirds have two amazing ways to fly through tiny gaps. New Scientist 9 November

Saturday, 11 November 2023

Evolution suppose the first conrtinens were created over 5 billion years before ours. ,

 Image courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech. , 

Joel Kontinen 

Some scientisst think that the oldest continents in our galaxy were created when our  galaxy came unto bemg. This is according to recent research told us, , 

“Astrobiologists think a planet needs to have certain features to support life: oxygen in its atmosphere, something to shield organisms from dangerous radiation and liquid water, for a startldest continents in our galaxy may have arisen 5 billion years before Earth’s, new research suggests — and that means there may be multiple worlds in the Milky Way harboring alien life even more advanced than our own.”

This is what evolution believing astrobiologist, for instance  Jane Greaves, an astronomer at Cardiff University says.

She said; “two exoplanets' continents — and perhaps life — may have arisen four to five billion years before Earth's.,"

But onlt God can create continents. 


Briley Lewis, 2023, The oldest continents in the Milky Way may be 5 billion years older than Earth's Live Sience 11 November

Thursday, 9 November 2023

The devils comet is approaching Earth

Image courtesy of Comet Chasers/Richard Miles

Joel Kontinen 

The massive volcanic comet 12P/Pons-Brooks, “which grows giant horns when it erupts, has exploded for a third time in five months as it continues to race toward the sun.”

It is called the "devil" comet's 12P/Pons-Brooks (12P), is a cryovolcanic, or cold volcano, comet. Like all comets, it is has a hard shell a hard, icy shell filled with ice, gas and dust — that is surrounded by a fuzzy cloud, or coma made of materials that leak out of the comet's insides. 

Many comets have elliptical paths that bring them very close to the sun. A comet loses much of its material each time it approaches the sun.  It has been estimated that a comet will loose all its mass in under 100 000 years. This is a serious problem for the secular view of a 4.6 billion year old solar system. If the solar system were that old, we should not see any comets.


Harry Baker, 2023, Volcanic 'devil comet' racing toward Earth resprouts its horns after erupting again Live Science 8 November.  

Tuesday, 7 November 2023

A 2 700 year old brain found with marks of brain surgery


Image courtesy of Qian Wang. 

Joel Kontinen


Mankind has been iingenious from its beginning,  This is in contrast to the Darwinian  way to saying that modern inventions only came recently, ·Thus, “A skull found in China shows signs of healing after part of it was removed 2700 years ago” suggests that “he had survived at least eight weeks after brain surgery,” ,

 The book of Genesis says that mankind has been inventive since its birth.


Soumya Sagar, 2023. Skull shows man survived surgery to ease brain pressure 2700 years ago. New Scientist  3 November.

Saturday, 4 November 2023

Supervolcano on Pluto


Image courtesy of NASA,JPL 

Joel Kontinen 

Some scientists suppose that Pluto has a supervolcano that may erupt in our days. they say that it is the size of size of Yellowstone.  They also sat that research has shown that  it may become alive.  

“The newly discovered volcano, Kiladze Caldera, was originally pegged as a crater via images captured by NASA's New Horizons mission. After taking a second look at data from New Horizons, scientists now think Kiladze Caldera has erupted multiple times over its history, spewing around "a thousand kilometers of cryo-lava" — or enough to almost cover the city of Los Angeles —”

But some time ago, scientist thought that pluto cannot harbour volcanoes, as its age is 4. . 5 billion years is too old for it. thus, the solar system cannot be that age, 


 Briley Lewis. 2023, Pluto may have an ice-spewing 'supervolcano' the size of Yellowstone, New Horizons data reveals. Live Science 3 November.  

Friday, 3 November 2023

Bits of a hypothetical planet Theia hidden on Earth

 Image courtesy of NASA

Joel Kontinen

Some scientist say that a hypothetical planet called Theia slammeds into Earth, and thus  created the Moon- .   They say that there are chunks of an ancient planet trapped in Earth’s mantle. This is according to the commonly held hypothesiss that a  Mars-sized object called Theia slammed into Earth and was blown to bits.

“For decades, researchers have known that there are two areas in Earth’s mantle, each tens of kilometres across, that behave slightly differently from the surrounding rock.”

 “They found that rocks from Theia’s mantle would have melted and sunk to the boundary between Earth’s mantle and core, creating a thin layer that coated  Earth,

This is just one of their not so fascinated stories


Leah Crane. 2023,, Bits of an ancient planet called Theia may be buried in Earth’s mantle New scientist 1 November.