Friday 29 July 2022

Heavens displays glory to God


Image courtesy of ESA/Hubble and Digitized Sky Survey. 

Joel Kontinen


We are living in a marvellous place. The heavens tell of the glory of God- something that New Scientist will  not tell you about,  Hheres what they will say:

“Astronomers are building a three-dimensional map of millions of distant galaxies that are normally blocked from view by the Magellanic Clouds, a pair of galaxies that orbit the Milky Way. The map will be the largest yet of such hidden galaxies and may lead to new insights about how stars and galaxies evolve.

Jessica Craig at Keele University in the UK and her colleagues are using data from two different telescopes and one space observatory to make the map.”


Callaghan Karmela Padavic- 2022, Astronomers are mapping millions of hidden galaxies New Scientist  22 J22 July