Wednesday 15 May 2019

Ammonites Caught in Burmese Amber

Imagine courtesy of Nobu Tamura. CC BY 3.0.

Joel Kontinen

Ammonites are one of most oldest animals. They share a trait that has caused a commotion to those who cared for the beauty of animals: they share Fibonnaci numbers, which shows how they we build.

As a record in Science shows; “The latest discovery in a cache of ancient Burmese amber has revealed something completely unexpected: an extinct squidlike organism called an ammonite, which swam Earth’s seas while dinosaurs dominated the land 100 million years ago.

In addition, “mites, spiders, millipedes, cockroaches, beetles, flies, wasps, and marine gastropods” were found on the amber.

This study was reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Fibonnaci means God’s mathematics. Even we have been blessed with it.


Sokol, Joshua. 2019. Extinct squid relative entombed in amber for 100 million years Science magazine. (13 May).