Tuesday 13 August 2024

When did Greenland bacame ice-free?

 Joel Kontinen

When was Greenland not covered by ice? Evolutionists say it was a million years ago, but was it so?

Over the years, opinion has shifted about whether Greenland has been continuously covered by ice since the start of the Pleistocene epoch, roughly 2.7 million years ago. But a new fossil discovery, described in a study published Aug. 5 in the journal PNAS, "provides the first direct evidence that the center — not just the edges — of Greenland's ice sheet melted away in the recent geological past," according to a statement from the University of Vermont.

But recent history tells a different story. Greenland was ice-free about a thousand years ago, when Vikings discovered America.


 James Bonthron 2024 Fossils from Greenland's icy heart reveal it was a green tundra covered in flowers less than 1 million years ago | Live Science 12 August