Thursday, 9 September 2021

Coming internet apocalypse?


Image courtesy of NASA Goddard.  A solar storm, or coronal mass ejection (CME), erupts from the sun in August 2012, . 

Joel Kontinen

The Sun is mostly stable but at times solar storms can change the picture.

When that happens, underwater cables that connect nations could go offline for months, a new  study claims.

In 2012, a solar storm or coronal mass ejection erupted from the Sun., but it did not cause much havoc.  

The major storms, such as the one they had in 1859 and the other in 1921, may cause the Internet to go down, .

“Smaller storms can also pack a punch; one in March 1989 blacked out the entire Canadian province of Quebec for nine hours.”

The Solar storm could well be a signal of the coming apocalypse. There’s s alays hope in the midst of turmoil


Specktor, Brandon. 2021. An 'Internet apocalypse' could ride to Earth with the next solar storm, new research warns.  Live Science 6 September.