Friday 15 January 2021

Sleep evolved before the brain did

Image courtesy of Flatters & Co., public domain.

Joel Kontinen 

Evolution believing scientist have found out that sleep evolved before brain did, this is shown in a tiny, brainless, freshwater animal called a hydra.

"We now have strong evidence that animals must have acquired the need to sleep before acquiring a brain," study lead author Taichi Q. Itoh, an assistant professor at Kyushu University in Japan, said. 

They discovered that the hydra, the animal that lacks a brain take some sleep. Humans and all mammals, as well as in insects and even roundworms. sleep.  However, all these creatures have some form of central nervous system. or brain, and so scientists didn't know whether the evolution of sleep preceded that of brains, or vice versa.


Rettner, Rachael, 2021. Sleep evolved before brains did, study finds.  Live Science 14 January.